美国语文第四册 第117期:长颈鹿(3)(在线收听

   I followed the single one at full speed, but, in spite of the efforts of my horse,  我全速追赶这只落单的长颈鹿,但是不论我的马怎么使劲,

  she got so much ahead of me, that, in turning a little hill, I lost sight of her altogether, and I gave up the pursuit. 它就是远远地跑在前面,绕过一个小山丘的时候,我完全见不到它了,于是我放弃了追赶。
  My dogs, however, were not so easily exhausted. 可是,我的猎犬可不是那么容易疲倦的。
  They were soon so close upon her that she was obliged to stop and defend herself. 它们很快接近了长颈鹿,使它不得不停下来抵抗。
  From the noise they made, I conjectured that they had got the animal into a corner, and I again pushed forward. 从它们发出的声音,我猜测猎犬把长颈鹿困住了,我重新骑马追过去。
  I had scarcely got round the hill, when I perceived her surrounded by the dogs, and endeavoring to drive them away by heavy kicks. 我刚绕过小山丘,就看见猎犬包围了长颈鹿,长颈鹿用力踢,试图赶走猎犬。
  In a moment I was on my feet, and a shot from my carbine brought her to the earth. 我立刻跳下马,用卡宾枪射出一枚子弹把长颈鹿打倒在地。
  I was delighted with my victory, which enabled me to add to the riches of natural history. 我对胜利感到非常高兴,我可以为博物学增添新的财富了。
  I was now able, also, to destroy the romance which attached to this animal, and to establish the truth of its existence. 我也打破了关于这个动物的浪漫神话,证明它确实存在。