美国语文第四册 第124期:小宠物鹿(2)(在线收听

   The hunter endeavored to whistle back his dog, but with no success. 猎人吹着口哨试图唤回猎犬,可是没成功。

  In half a minute the fawn had turned the first corner, dashed onward toward the lake, and thrown itself into the water. 半分钟后小鹿已经拐过第一个街角,冲到湖边,跃入水中。
  But if for a moment the startled creature believed itself safe in the cool bosom of the lake, it was soon undeceived; 刚开始,受惊的小鹿还以为在凉爽的湖水中已经安全了,可是它很快醒悟过来;
  for the hound followed in hot and eager chase, while a dozen village dogs joined blindly in the pursuit. 猎犬紧紧尾随着,十几只狗也盲目地一起追赶。
  A large crowd collected on the bank—men, women, and children—anxious for the fate of the little animal so well known to them all. 湖岸已经聚集了一大群人——男人、女人和孩子们——为他们熟悉的小鹿的命运担着心。
  Some threw themselves into boats, hoping to intercept the hound before he reached his prey. 一些人冲上船,希望在猎犬追上小鹿之前拦住它。
  The plashing of the oars, the eager voices of men and boys, and the barking of the dogs, must have filled the heart of the poor fawn with terror and anguish, 船桨摇动水花四溅的声音,男人和男孩子们急切的叫喊声和汪汪的狗叫声,肯定已经让可怜的小鹿心中充满了恐惧和痛苦
  as though every creature on the spot where it had once been caressed and fondled, had suddenly turned into a deadly foe. 仿佛在那块土地上曾经爱抚过它的所有人都成了它的死敌。
  It was soon seen that the little animal was directing its course across a bay toward the nearest borders of the forest. 很快人们看到小鹿横过河湾朝森林的方向游去。
  Immediately the owner of the hound crossed the bridge, and ran at full speed, hoping to stop his dog as he landed. 猎犬的主人迅速过了桥,全速奔跑着,希望在猎犬上岸时拦住它。
  On swam the fawn, as it never swam before; its delicate head scarcely seen above the water, 小鹿继续向前游,使出了平生的力气;尽管几乎看不到小鹿的头,
  but leaving a disturbed track, which betrayed its course alike to its friends and foes. 但所过之处在水面上留下了痕迹,暴露了自己的路线。
  As it approached the land, the interest became intense. 当小鹿接近陆地的时候,人们变得极其紧张。
  The hunter was already on the same side of the lake, calling loudly and angrily to his dog; 猎人已经在湖的另一侧,愤怒地大声呼叫他的猎犬;
  but the hound seemed to have quite forgotten his master's voice in the pitiless pursuit. 可是猎犬在无情的追逐中似乎忘记了主人的声音。
  The fawn reached the shore. With a leap it had crossed the narrow strip of beach, and in another instant it would reach the cover of the woods. 小鹿上岸了,它一跃跃过狭窄的河滩,它马上就要到森林了。