美国语文第四册 第125期:小宠物鹿(3)(在线收听

   The hound followed true to the scent, pointing to the same spot on the shore; 猎犬紧跟着小鹿的气味,朝河滩上的小鹿奔去;

  his master, anxious to meet him, had run at full speed, and was now coming up at the same critical moment. 猎犬的主人急于拦住它,全速奔跑着,也在这关键时刻追到了。
  Will the dog listen to his voice? or can the hunter reach him in time to seize and control him? 猎犬会听他的招呼吗?猎人会及时赶上控制住他的猎犬吗?
  A shout from the bank told that the fawn had passed out of sight into the forest. 岸上有人喊,小鹿已经跑进森林,踪迹不见了。
  At the same instant, the hound, as he touched the land, felt the hunter's strong arm clutching his neck. 同一时刻,猎犬一踏上陆地就被主人强有力的手臂掐住了脖子。
  The worst was believed to be over; the fawn was leaping up the mountain side, and its enemy was restrained. 最可怕的事情终于没有发生;小鹿顺着山坡向上跳跃,它的敌人受到了控制。
  The other dogs, seeing their leader cowed, were easily managed. 其他的狗,看到他们的领袖被吓倒,很容易管理。
  A number of persons, men and boys, dispersed themselves through the woods in search of the little creature, but without success; 一些人分头进入森林寻找小鹿,但是没找到;
  they all returned to the village, reporting that the fawn had not been seen. 他们返回村里,报告说没找到小鹿。
  Some thought that after its fright had passed it would return of its own accord. 人们想小鹿自己会回来的。
  It wore a pretty collar with its owner's name engraved upon it, so that it could be easily known from any other fawn that might be straying about the woods. 小鹿戴着漂亮的项圈,上面刻着主人的名字,这样就可以轻松地从任何其他林子识别迷失的小鹿。
  Before many hours had passed, a hunter presented himself to the lady whose pet the little creature had been, and showed a collar with her name upon it. 过了些天,一个猎人来到了曾经喂养小鹿的太太那里,出示了一个项圈,上面刻着她的名字。
  He said that he was out hunting in the morning, and saw a fawn in the distance. 他说,早上去打猎,远远看到一只小鹿。
  The little pet, instead of bounding away, as he expected, moved toward him; he took aim, fired, and shot it through the heart. 他以为小鹿会离开,没想到却朝他走了过来;他瞄准,开枪,射穿了小鹿的心脏。