美国语文第四册 第139期:赫斯珀洛斯号的残骸(1)(在线收听

   It was the schooner Hesperus, 帆船赫斯珀洛斯号;

  That sailed the wintry sea; 行驶在冬天的大海上。
  And the skipper had taken his little daughter, 船长把他的小女儿,
  To bear him company. 带在身边陪伴他。
  Blue were her eyes as the fairy flax, 她的眼珠蓝得像亚麻花,
  Her cheeks like the dawn of day, 脸颊像明媚的晨光,
  And her bosom white as the hawthorn buds, 雪白的胸脯像
  That ope in the month of May. 五月里绽放的山楂花。
  The skipper, he stood beside the helm, 船长站在舵边,
  His pipe was in his mouth, 嘴里叼着烟斗,
  And he watched how the veering flaw did blow, 观察着不停变化的风向,
  The smoke now west, now south. 时而向西,时而向南。
  Then up and spake an old sailor, 老船员走过来,
  Had sailed to the Spanish Main, 他曾到过危险的加勒比海岸,
  I pray thee, put into yonder port, 说,请您快点驶入港口,
  For I fear the hurricane. 恐怕会刮起飓风。
  Last night, the moon had a golden ring, 昨晚我看见月亮的金边,
  And to-night no moon we see! 今晚却看不见月亮了!
  The skipper, he blew a whiff from his pipe, 吐了一口烟,
  And a scornful laugh laughed he. 船长哈哈笑着,不屑一顾地。
  Colder and louder blew the wind, 风刮得更猛,天也更寒冷,
  A gale from the northeast; 忽然有大风,从东北刮来;
  The snow fell hissing in the brine, 雪嘶嘶叫着落在海上,
  And the billows frothed like yeast. 海上掀起了巨浪。
  Down came the storm, 暴风雪突然来了,
  and smote amain, The vessel in its strength; 用力拍打着帆船,
  She shuddered and paused, like a frighted steed, 帆船摇摇晃晃,像受惊的马儿,
  Then leaped her cable's length. 跃起到缆绳那么高。
  Come hither! come hither! my little daughter, 到这儿来!到这儿来!我的小女儿,
  And do not tremble so; 你不要害怕;
  For I can weather the roughest gale, 再大的风浪,
  That ever wind did blow. 我也能挺得过
  He wrapped her warm in his seaman's coat, 他脱下海员服给女儿穿上,
  Against the stinging blast: 对抗凛冽刺骨的寒风;
  He cut a rope from a broken spar, 从折断的侧板上割下一段绳子,
  And bound her to the mast. 把小女儿缠在桅杆上。
  O father! I hear the church bells ring, 噢,爸爸!我听到教堂的钟声响了,
  Oh say, what may it be? 出了什么事?
  This a fog bell on a rock-bound coast! 海岸起了大雾,钟声才响起!
  And he steered for the open sea. 船长把船朝大海驶去。
  O father! I hear the sound of guns, 噢,爸爸!我听到枪声响起,
  Oh say, what may it be? 出了什么事?
  Some ship in distress, that can not live, in such an angry sea! 有船遇麻烦了,海浪太凶猛,估计好不了!