美国语文第四册 第140期:赫斯珀洛斯号的残骸(2)(在线收听

   O father! I see a gleaming light, 噢,爸爸!我见到了微弱的灯光,

  Oh say, what may it be? 出了什么事?
  But the father answered never a word, 可是她的父亲已经无法回答,
  A frozen corpse was he. 他已经冻僵了。
  Lashed to the helm, all stiff and stark, 船长的身体靠在舵上,全身僵硬,
  With his face turned to the skies, 仰面朝天,
  The lantern gleamed through the gleaming snow, 灯光透过雪的光芒,
  On his fixed and glassy eyes. 照在他已失去生气的双眼上。
  Then the maiden clasped her hands, and prayed, 女孩合起双手,开始祷告,
  That saved she might be; 愿自己得救;
  And she thought of Christ, who stilled the wave, 她想起基督在加利利湖上,
  On the lake of Galilee. 让波浪平息。
  And fast through the midnight dark and drear, 漆黑恐怖的午夜,
  Through the whistling sleet and snow, 风雪嘶嘶叫着,
  Like a sheeted ghost, the vessel swept, 赫斯珀洛斯号像扬帆的鬼船,
  Tow'rds the reef of Norman's Woe. 迅速驶向诺曼沃暗礁。
  And ever the fitful gusts between, 阵阵的大风当中,
  A sound came from the land: 不时从岸上传来一声,
  It was the sound of the trampling surf, 浪花拍打在
  On the rocks and the hard sea sand. 岩石上面的声音。
  The breakers were right beneath her bows, 这声音就在船头下方,
  She drifted a dreary wreck, 帆船已毁坏。
  And a whooping billow swept the crew, 巨浪把所有船员冲走了,
  Like icicles from her deck. 就像冲走了的冰柱。
  She struck where the white and fleecy waves, 帆船已卡在一处
  Looked soft as carded wool, 波浪拍岸掀起浪花的地方。
  But the cruel rocks, they gored her side, 岩石撞击着帆船,
  Like the horns of an angry bull. 如同愤怒的牛用角乱撞。
  Her rattling shrouds, all sheathed in ice, 桅杆侧支索被冰裹着,
  With the masts, went by the board; 发出嘎嘎响声,
  Like a vessel of glass, she stove and sank, 桅杆已滑向大海里。
  Ho! ho! the breakers roared! 看!看!巨浪依然拍打着岩石!
  At daybreak, on the bleak seabeach, 黎明凄凉的海滩上,
  A fisherman stood aghast, 一个渔夫已目瞪口呆。
  To see the form of a maiden fair, 他看到冰雪里裹着一个美丽的少女,
  Lashed close to a drifting mast. 绑在桅杆上。
  The salt sea was frozen on her breast, 胸脯上海水已结冰,
  The salt tears in her eyes; 眼中含着泪水。
  And he saw her hair, like the brown seaweed, 她的长发像是海草,
  On the billows fall and rise. 随巨浪起伏。
  Such was the wreck of the hesperus In the midnight and the snow: 这就是暴风雪的午夜,赫斯珀洛斯号帆船的残骸,
  Heav'n save us all from a death like this on the reef of Norman's Woe! 愿主保佑我们,使我们在人生的诺曼沃暗礁得到拯救。