美国语文第五册 第21期:劳动(在线收听

   Work, work, my boy, be not afraid; 干活,我的孩子,不要害怕;

  Look labor boldly in the face; 勇敢地,面对劳动;
  Take up the hammer or the spade, 从容地拿起,锤子铁锨,
  And blush not for your humble place. 千万不要,为卑微感到羞愧。
  There's glory in the shuttle's song; 穿梭机,歌唱中赋有荣光;
  There's triumph in the anvil's stroke; 铁砧敲打,寓意着凯旋胜利,
  There's merit in the brave and strong who dig the mine or fell the oak. 勇敢坚强,涵盖人的优秀品德;阳光照耀,工人们坚实臂膀。
  The wind disturbs the sleeping lake, 微风,拂起沉睡的湖面,
  And bids it ripple pure and fresh; 撩动,优美的水意潺潺;
  It moves the green boughs till they make grand music in their leafy mesh. 狂风,挪动绿意葱茏的枝干,茂密丛林,奏起交响奇观。
  And so the active breath of life should stir our dull and sluggard wills; 生命翕动,吐出力的欢畅,是否搅翻,沉寂的死水昏然?
  For are we not created rife with health, that stagnant torpor kills? 如果不愿,沦陷致命慵懒,哪怕身体康健,情欲正常?
  I doubt if he who lolls his head where idleness and plenty meet, 是否,他还无力地歪着头,恣意放纵,将怠惰富足写在脸上,
  Enjoys his pillow or his bread as those who earn the meals they eat. 沉湎于,烟水繁华的食色享受,与艰难讨生活面孔,相得益彰。
  And man is never half so blest as when the busy day is spent 如果,铭记生活中点滴感恩,忙碌充足,度过愉快时光,
  So as to make his evening rest a holiday of glad content. 节日礼花,绽放成光明降临,夜晚的心,最终皈依安康。