美国语文第五册 第29期:下雪了(1)(在线收听

   "It snows!" cries the Schoolboy, "Hurrah!" and his shout is ringing through parlor and hall, While swift as the wing of a swallow, he's out, “下雪了!”一位校园男生高声叫着,“太好啦!”伴随一声尖叫划过门厅,穿过走廊,他像只迅疾的燕子飞奔门外,

  And his playmates have answered his call; 同学们随即回应他的大呼小叫。
  It makes the heart leap but to witness their joy; 不过目睹他们的快乐张扬,你的心在欢跳;
  Proud wealth has no pleasures, I trow, 窃以为,骄傲的财富绝不会给人带来欣喜,
  Like the rapture that throbs in the pulse of the boy as he gathers his treasures of snow; 倾慕应该来自那些青春脉搏的活力四射,因为他们捧起来自圣父的雪花馈赠,
  Then lay not the trappings of gold on thine heirs, While health and the riches of nature are theirs. 并非显摆父母给予的财产继承,健康与天籁的得天独厚原本属于他们。
  "It snows!" sighs the Imbecile, "Ah!" and his breath comes heavy, as clogged with a weight; “下雪了!”愚蠢的人在叹息,“唉呀!”他的呼吸变得如此滞重,似乎心有所雍;
  While, from the pale aspect of nature in death, He turns to the blaze of his grate; 从死亡本质的惨白里,他不得不求助壁炉里烈火的熊熊温暖;
  And nearer and nearer, his soft-cushioned chair is wheeled toward the life-giving flame; 那优裕的温柔乡愈来愈近,旋转着冲向赋以生命形式的骨骼,
  He dreads a chill puff of the snow-burdened air, Lest it wither his delicate frame; 他害怕风中卷起的寒意彻骨,唯恐会摧毁他那孱弱不堪的肉体。
  Oh! small is the pleasure existence can give, When the fear we shall die only proves that we live! 噢,生存给予的快乐那么微不足道,人类无法逃脱死亡的恐惧仅仅证明,他,依然苟延残喘。
  "It snows!" cries the Traveler, "Ho!" “下雪了!”路途上行者发出感叹。“驾!”
  and the word has quickened his steed's lagging pace; 他策马加鞭,加快速度。
  The wind rushes by, but its howl is unheard, Unfelt the sharp drift in his face; 风,在肆虐,但他难以听见风的尖利呼啸,只有刀子般扑面的疼痛;
  For bright through the tempest his own home appeared, Ay, though leagues intervened, he can see: 光,冲破风雪弥漫,他已看到前方;家,隐约在现。
  There's the clear, glowing hearth, and the table prepared, 心灵相通的人儿,他能看见家里壁炉明净温暖,桌台已摆好,
  And his wife with her babes at her knee; 孩子们趴在妻子膝间玩耍,全家人都在焦急地等他。
  Blest thought! how it lightens the grief-laden hour, 唯有蒙恩念想,才能减轻辛勤劳作的悲哀。
  That those we love dearest are safe from its power! 我挚爱的亲人们呵,从主的祝福中获得安宁。