美国语文第五册 第33期:尊重安息日(3)(在线收听

   "Come along, follow me," said the stranger, “哎,先听我说,”陌生人说,

  I am going to see a person who says his name is William Reed, of Kingston, near Taunton. 我正在找从金斯敦来的一个叫威廉.瑞德的人,不错,金斯敦确实离陶顿很近。
  Come and confront him. If you prove to be indeed he who you say you are, I have glorious news for you. 倘若你能证实你所言不虚,我可有天大好事要告诉你。
  Your uncle is dead, and has left an immense fortune, which I will put you in possession of when all legal doubts are removed. 你的叔叔去世了,他留下一笔巨额遗产,你可以拥有这笔财产,当然你必须通过所有相关的法律认证。
  They went by the coach; saw the pretended William Reed, and proved him to be an impostor. 两人坐马车赶回威廉.瑞德的家乡,见到了那个冒牌的威廉.瑞德,最后查明他是个骗子。
  The stranger, who was a pious attorney, was soon legally satisfied of the barber's identity, 原来,那位陌生人是位敬业的律师,他很快便获得了理发匠威廉.瑞德的合法身份证明,
  and told him that he had advertised him in vain. 他还告诉理发匠自己曾登过广告寻找,最终一无所获。
  Providence had now thrown him in his way in a most extraordinary manner,  如今天遂人意,
  and he had great pleasure in transferring a great many thousand pounds to a worthy man, the rightful heir of the property. 他感到非常高兴,能将这份巨额财产交给值得拥有的人,一份财产的合法继承人,
  Thus was man's extremity God's opportunity. 这真是踏破铁鞋无觅处的天赐良机。
  Had the poor barber possessed one half-penny, or even had credit for a candle, he might have remained unknown for years; 倘若,当时那位贫困潦倒的理发匠手里还有半便士,如果不是一根蜡烛的诚信,或许接下来很多年,理发匠仍然默默无闻。
  but he trusted God, who never said, "Seek ye my face," in vain. 他,相信上帝,而上帝将证明,“信任,永远不会徒劳。”