美国语文第五册 第34期:迪河沙滩(在线收听

   O Mary, go and call the cattle home, 哦,玛丽,去牛舍看看,

  And call the cattle home, 去牛舍,唤唤牛儿,
  And call the cattle home, 去那里,看看牛儿可在。
  Across the sands o' Dee! 于是,她穿过迪河沙滩,
  The western wind was wild and dank with foam, 寒风肆虐,浪花翻卷,
  And all alone went she. 她竟然,独自前往。
  The creeping tide came up along the sand, 潮水蠕动着,漫过沙滩,
  And o'er and o'er the sand, 哗啦啦,一浪高过一浪,
  And round and round the sand, 就那样,周而复始,
  As far as eye could see; 远远望去,极目穷尽。
  The blinding mist came down and hid the land— 浓密的雾霭,笼罩大地,
  And never home came she. 她竟然,再也没有回来。
  Oh, is it weed, or fish, or floating hair? 哦,那是野草、鱼儿、丝带?
  A tress o' golden hair, 或者,树的金色枝条?
  O' drowned maiden's hair, 或者,闪烁迷人的鲑鱼,
  Above the nets at sea. 盘桓在,险恶的滩涂?
  Was never salmon yet that shone so fair 天呀,那是溺水少女的头发,
  Among the stakes on Dee. 缠绕在,近海渔网的旁边;
  They rowed her in across the rolling foam, 越过海浪,渔民的小船划近,
  The cruel, crawling foam, 波涛翻涌中,艰难穿行,
  The cruel, hungry foam, 嗜血的魔鬼,扑打过来,
  To her grave beside the sea; 残忍地,将她无情吞没,
  But still the boatmen hear her call the cattle home, 依然听见,玛丽凄厉地呼喊,
  Across the sands O' Dee. 久久回荡,在迪河的沙滩。