美国语文第五册 第37期:玉米谣(1)(在线收听

   Heap high the farmer's wintry hoard! 将农夫冬天的囤垛堆高,

  Heap high the golden corn! 将金色玉米垛堆高!
  No richer gift has Autumn poured from out her lavish horn! 秋天流泻的丰收,无与伦比,来自大地慷慨的丰饶。
  Let other lands, exulting, glean the apple from the pine, 无数双手,欢欣翻飞,将苹果,从树上摘下来;
  The orange from its glossy green, 将柑橘,从翠叶中采下来;
  The cluster from the vine; 将葡萄,从藤蔓中剪下来。
  We better love the hardy gift, our rugged vales bestow, 溪谷崎岖,山峦起伏,那耐寒植物,令人景仰,
  To cheer us, when the storm shall drift our harvest fields with snow. 落雪成壅,悄然盖住,狂风不会刮走,良田庄稼。
  Through vales of grass and meads of flowers our plows their furrows made, 河谷青翠,铺满鲜花,划出深浅辙沟,坚硬铧犁,
  While on the hills the sun and showers of changeful April played. 阳光照耀,风栉雨露,四月明媚,春风如煦如画。
  We dropped the seed o'er hill and plain, 沟谷平原,人们播撒种子,
  Beneath the sun of May, 希望蛰伏,初夏金色阳光,
  And frightened from our sprouting grain the robber crows away. 一片片,唰唰声中生长的绿芽,惊飞起,田野成群的乌鸦。
  All through the long, bright days of June, 六月烈日,炙热漫长,
  Its leaves grew green and fair, 摇曳起,满地青春旗帜,
  And waved in hot midsummer's noon, Its soft and yellow hair. 仲夏月光下,波涛起伏,转眼间,换上金色盛装。
  And now, with Autumn's moonlit eves, 秋天的月,黑夜孕育出,
  Its harvest time has come; 金秋的诞生,庄严隆重,
  We pluck away the frosted leaves and bear the treasure home. 将丰收果实,收获回家,留下,田野霜打的颓颜。