美国语文第五册 第40期:致命的虫豸(2)(在线收听

   The symptoms of its bite are terrible. 遭受这种蠕虫叮咬的症状相当可怕。

  The eyes of the patient become red and fiery, his tongue swells to an immoderate size, and obstructs his utterance; 病人眼睛变红或炙热,舌头过度肿胀,发音模糊不清,
  and delirium of the most horrid character quickly follows. 随后出现可怕的谵妄症状,
  Sometimes, in his madness, he attempts the destruction of his nearest friends. 病人处于癫狂状态下,甚至有可能攻击周围亲朋好友。
  If the sufferer has a family, his weeping wife and helpless infants are not unfrequently the objects of his frantic fury. 如果受害人有家小的话,他身边哭泣的妻子以及无助的孩子们不可避免地成为他狂暴状态下首选攻击的目标,这一惨绝人寰悲剧并非少见。
  In a word, he exhibits, to the life, all the detestable passions that rankle in the bosom of a savage; 简而言之,受害人会向外界表达他野蛮内心的可怕暴怒,
  and such is the spell in which his senses are locked, 这种行为归咎于意识锁闭,
  that no sooner has the unhappy patient recovered from the paroxysm of insanity occasioned by the bite, 即倘若由蠕虫咬噬引起精神错乱间断发作,这类病人一旦苏醒过来,
  than he seeks out the destroyer for the sole purpose of being bitten again. 他即刻会寻找下一个报复者,唯一目的在于,他希望再度遭受虫豸啮噬。
  I have seen a good old father, his locks as white as snow, 我曾经见过一位心地仁慈的年迈父亲,他的鬓发几乎花白,
  his step slow and trembling, beg in vain of his only son to quit the lurking place of the worm. 他的步履蹒跚颤抖,却依然徒劳无助地为他唯一的儿子乞讨,希望儿子可以从这类蠕虫潜伏期症状中获得解脱。
  My heart bled when he turned away; 当他艰难地转身离开时,我的心在滴血,
  for I knew the fond hope that his son would be the "staff of his declining years," had supported him through many a sorrow. 因为,我知道这美好的企盼,无外乎为他走过垂暮之年的唯一精神支柱,并已支撑他度过许多艰难厄苦。
  Youths of America, would you know the name of this reptile? 美国年轻人们,你知道这种爬行动物叫什么?
  It is called the WORM OF THE STILL. 它就是僵尸蠕虫。