美国语文第五册 第42期:节日聚会(2)(在线收听

   And where is she whose diamond eyes, 明眸生辉,那双迷人的眼睛,

  Golconda's purest gems outshone? 胜过世上,昂贵的钻石,
  Whose roseate lips of Eden breathed? 芳唇轻启,玫瑰色诱人,
  Say, where is she, the beauteous one? 消失何方?美丽从此不再。
  Beneath yon willow's drooping shade, 远方垂柳,撒下鬼魅阴影,
  With eyes now dim, and lips all pale, 眼神黯淡,沧桑已经老去,
  She sleeps in peace. Read on her urn, 她亦安然睡下,墓志铭上写着:
  "A broken heart." This tells her tale. “破碎的心”,芳菲纷纷落尽。
  And where is he, that tower of strength, 如今,他已抵达权力顶端,
  Whose fate with hers for life was joined? 当初,她的命运与谁相连?
  How beats his heart, once honor's throne? 他备受摧残,贪婪向往名利,
  How high has soared his daring mind? 他野心勃勃,梦寐平步登天。
  Go to the dungeon's gloom tonight; 今晚,他将走进阴暗地牢,
  His wasted form, his aching head, 行尸走肉的躯体,头痛欲裂,
  And all that now remains of him, 孑然一身,感叹行只影单,
  Lies, shuddering, on a felon's bed. 不寒而栗,重温难醒的梦魇。
  Ask you of all these woes the cause? 倘若质疑,你所有的悲哀,
  The festal board, the enticing bowl, 不过归咎,聚会上的酒杯,
  More often came, and reason fled, 时光买醉,毫无理由的失控,
  And maddened passions spurned control. 走火入魔,理智深陷昏睡。
  Learn wisdom, then. The frequent feast, 究竟如何,更加睿智冷静,
  Avoid; for there, with stealthy tread, 摒弃世俗,走马灯的诱惑,
  Temptation walks, to lure you on, 豪华盛筵,夜夜笙歌不断,
  Till death, at last, the banquet spread. 魑魅魍魉,早牵你进坟墓。
  And shun, oh shun, the enchanted cup! 躲开吧,那施加魔咒的酒盅,
  Though now its draught like joy appears, 杯空酒尽,叹息人生无常,
  Ere long it will be fanned by sighs, 往日愧疚,忘乎所以的虚妄,
  And sadly mixed with blood and tears. 蓦然回首,难叙一把苍凉。