美国语文第五册 第68期:小镇水泵(3)(在线收听

   Drink, and make room for that other fellow, who seeks my aid to quench the fiery fever of last night's potations, which he drained from no cup of mine. 喝吧,再给那家伙腾点地方。此刻,那醉醺醺的家伙需要我,才能平息他内心的炽烈。昨晚,他饮尽的全是酒,没有一滴水。

  Welcome, most rubicund sir! You and I have been strangers hitherto; 欢迎你!面颊通红的先生!你我至今素不相识,
  nor, to confess the truth, will my nose be anxious for a closer intimacy, till the fumes of your breath be a little less potent. 亦没有说过心里话,但愿我能与你贴得更近些,稍微减轻点你的炙热痛苦。
  Mercy on you, man! The water absolutely hisses down your red-hot gullet, 可怜的人,我怜悯你!水可以彻底消退你咽喉的烈火煎熬,
  and is converted quite into steam in the miniature Tophet, which you mistake for a stomach. 在你喉腔的微小地狱里全部化为缕缕水气,可你误把喉咙当做胃,
  Fill again, and tell me, on the word of an honest toper, did you ever, in cellar, tavern, or any other kind of dramshop,  不停地牛饮海灌猫尿。请你以诚实酒鬼的名义告诉我,是否曾经在地窖或酒馆、甚至像样点的酒吧,
  spend the price of your children's food for a swig half so delicious? 挥霍花尽你孩子的生活费,一大口喝下大半瓶,痛饮中不能自抑?
  Now, for the first time these ten years, you know the flavor of cold water. 十年来,你第一次终究明白了凉水滋味。
  Good-by; and whenever you are thirsty, recollect that I keep a constant supply at the old stand. 再见,无论什么时候,倘若再干渴冒火,不妨回想一下,我会在老地方给你送上清冽甘甜的凉水。
  Who next? Oh, my little friend, you are just let loose from school, 下一个轮到谁?哦,我的小朋友。你不过想从紧张的校园里放松自己。
  and come hither to scrub your blooming face, and drown the memory of certain taps of the ferule, 过来!洗洗你那花朵般的小脸,暂时忘掉学校里那些清规戒律,
  and other schoolboy troubles, in a draught from the Town Pump. 还有与小伙伴争吵的闷闷不乐。在小镇水泵这里痛快地喝上一气,
  Take it, pure as the current of your young life; take it, and may your heart and tongue never be scorched with a fiercer thirst than now. 喝吧,这水纯净得好像你年轻生命启程的小溪;喝吧,但愿你的身心永远不会像现在受尽饥渴的折磨。