美国语文第五册 第82期:花朵的死亡(1)(在线收听

   The melancholy days are come, 那些,忧郁悲伤的日子来了,

  The saddest of the year, 年复一年,最为痛苦难捱,
  Of wailing winds, and naked woods, 风在哀哭,掠过光秃裸露的丛林,
  And meadows brown and sear. 炙热尽舔,枯萎成片的草原,
  Heaped in the hollows of the grove, 昔日绿意盈盈,已经完成宿命,
  The autumn leaves lie dead; 拥挤成团,飘落在沟壑低洼,
  They rustle to the eddying gust, 萧瑟秋风,卷起漫天尘土,
  And to the rabbit's tread. 不时遮住,狡兔三窟巢穴,
  The robin and the wren are flown, 惊飞一群群,知更鸟鹪鹩。
  And from the shrubs the jay, 灌木林中,觅食栖息的松鸦,
  And from the wood top calls the crow, 还有树梢上,戛然而止鸦阵,
  Through all the gloomy day. 天空晦暗,阴冷列队飞来。
  Where are the flowers, the fair young flowers, 那些,美丽的花朵哪里去了?
  That lately sprang and stood, 转眼间,不见了风中摇曳,
  In brighter light and softer airs, 明晃晃艳阳,微风和煦,
  A beauteous sisterhood? 呼朋唤友,千姿百媚地涌来。
  Alas! they all are in their graves; 唉呀!纷纷扬扬的嫣红,
  The gentle race of flowers, Are lying in their lowly beds, 悄然铺成,黑色连绵的花冢,卑微的花瓣们,匍匐在地,
  With the fair and good of ours. 卷走人世间赞美祝福。
  The rain is falling where they lie; 雨声淅沥,扑打凋零的容颜,
  But the cold November rain, 凄风冷雨,再亦难唤回
  Calls not from out the gloomy earth, 从前,婀娜多姿的身影,
  The lovely ones again. 沧浪那边,推不开鬼魅深重。
  The windflower and the violet, 银莲花,还有紫罗兰,
  They perished long ago, 恍惚中,它们已离开很久,
  And the brier rose and the orchis died, Amid the summer's glow; 野蔷薇,玫瑰,红门兰,死在,骄阳如火的热烈。
  But on the hill, the goldenrod, 死在,骄阳如火的热烈。
  And the aster in the wood, 森林里,笑容洋溢的紫菀,
  And the yellow sunflower by the brook, 溪水边,明黄色向日葵,
  In autumn beauty stood, 涂抹出,秋天的寥廓浪漫。
  Till fell the frost from the clear, cold heaven, 严霜,很快搅起周天寒彻,
  As falls the plague on men, 犹如,世间肆虐的瘟疫,
  And the brightness of their smile was gone, 裹走了,那些欢歌笑语,
  From upland, glade, and glen. 寒风呼啸,魂魄从此飘散。