美国语文第五册 第86期:四月的日子(1)(在线收听

   All day the low-hung clouds have dropped, their garnered fullness down; 低垂一天,云朵已经落下,农夫庄稼,亦已安然入仓。

  All day that soft, gray mist hath wrapped hill, valley, grove, and town. 灰色雾霭,万般缱绻裹住,山丘沟谷,灌丛还有村庄。
  There has not been a sound today to break the calm of nature; 今天,我未曾听到那种声音,可以打破,自然万物的寂静;
  Nor motion, I might almost say, 亦没听见,或许我可以说,
  Of life or living creature; 漫长一天,没有生命的韵律。
  Of waving bough, or warbling bird, 树干没有摇晃,鸟儿没有啭鸣,
  Or cattle faintly lowing; 牛群,没有低声哞叫,
  I could have half believed I heard the leaves and blossoms growing. 枝叶生长,或者花朵绽开,我半信半疑,没有纹丝动静。
  I stood to hear, I love it well, 默默站着聆听,我太爱这些声音,
  The rain's continuous sound; 雨,接连不停地刷刷,
  Small drops, but thick and fast they fell, 碎细身影,密集落下,
  Down straight into the ground. 径直一跤,跌进土里长大。
  For leafy thickness is not yet Earth's naked breast to screen, 大地赤裸的胸膛,尚未舒展,绿叶沙沙,铺成天空的旗帜,
  Though every dripping branch is set with shoots of tender green. 此刻,每一根湿漉漉的枝干,都会萌发,植物的微观思考。
  Sure, since I looked, at early morn, 曙光初露,美丽的金银花,
  Those honeysuckle buds have swelled to double growth; 星光点缀,骨朵又见丰满,含苞待放;
  that thorn hath put forth larger studs. 亭亭玉立的枝杈,转眼冒出,深浅不一的嫩芽。