美国语文第五册 第87期:四月的日子(2)(在线收听

   That lilac's cleaving cones have burst, 紫丁香,风中绽放挺立,

  The milk-white flowers revealing; 奶白色花朵,惊悚震撼,
  Even now upon my senses first 一瞥中感动,最是难抑,
  Methinks their sweets are stealing. 你的心中,流泻悠悠甜蜜。
  The very earth, the steamy air, is all with fragrance rife! 脚下大地,润泽丰盈,繁复优雅,竟是不期而遇,
  And grace and beauty everywhere are flushing into life. 蛰伏精灵,一路暗香浮动,走过多少,金色生命年华。
  Down, down they come, those fruitful stores, 收割装仓,满囤的金子,
  Those earth-rejoicing drops! 欢快雨滴,大地交响奏鸣,
  A momentary deluge pours, 刹那间,洪水翻滚泛滥,
  Then thins, decreases, stops. 雨过天晴,禾苗萌发新绿。
  And ere the dimples on the stream have circled out of sight, 溪水淙淙,岁月流年的涟漪,穿梭奔涌,消失于远方天际,
  Lo! from the west a parting gleam breaks forth of amber light. 瞧!西边那缕离别的星光,隐约露出,金色琥珀的传奇。
  But yet behold—abrupt and loud, 看呀!随着一声高喊,
  Comes down the glittering rain; 流星雨,划破天空消失,
  The farewell of a passing cloud, 挥手作别,霓虹的云彩,
  The fringes of its train. 裙裾飞扬,生命的斑斓花边。