美国语文第五册 第90期:香水月季(3)(在线收听

   "Just the same as I do," replied Florence, calmly. “这正是我想做的,”弗罗伦丝平心静气地说,

  Have you not noticed that the little girl never comes without looking wistfully at the opening buds? 你难道没注意到,那小姑娘哪次来不是急切地想看花?
  And don't you remember, the other morning she asked me so prettily if I would let her mother come and see it, she was so fond of flowers? 你难道不记得,那天早晨,她那么可怜见地请求我,可否让她妈妈过来看看香水月季?她母亲也那么喜欢花!
  But, Florence, only think of this rare flower standing on a table with ham, eggs, cheese, and flour, 哎呀,弗罗伦丝,先想想,这么名贵的月季和那些火腿呀,鸡蛋,奶酪,还有面粉,
  and stifled in that close little room, where Mrs. Stephens and her daughter manage to wash, iron, and cook. 统统挤在那间狭窄破屋的小桌上,斯蒂芬夫人和女儿兜转着忙着洗涮、熨烫,还要做饭。
  Well, Kate, and if I were obliged to live in one coarse room, and wash, and iron, and cook, as you say; 好了,凯特,如果我也没办法,只好住在简陋的破屋,就像你说的,
  if I had to spend every moment of my time in toil, with no prospect from my window but a brick wall and a dirty lane, 忙着洗涮、熨烫、做饭,如果没有片刻空闲,窗外满眼只有颓败坍塌的砖墙,肮脏不堪的街巷,
  such a flower as this would be untold enjoyment to me. 对我来说,这花难道不是无法言说的快乐?
  Pshaw, Florence; all sentiment! Poor people have no time to be sentimental. 哼,弗罗伦丝,你太多愁善感了!穷人怎么有时间获取情感快乐。
  Besides, I don't believe it will grow with them; it is a greenhouse flower, and used to delicate living. 我才不相信呐,那香水月季能在她们家里养下去?那名贵的花是种在温室里的,月季对环境可是太挑剔了。
  Oh, as to that, a flower never inquires whether its owner is rich or poor; 哦,这一点,花朵从不会质问它的主人贫穷还是富有;
  and poor Mrs. Stephens, whatever else she has not, has sunshine of as good quality as this that streams through our window. 史蒂芬夫人很穷,她缺少什么无关紧要,只要拥有和这里同样可以穿透窗子的美好阳光,那就够了。
  The beautiful things that God makes are his gifts to all alike. 上帝创造出来的美好事物,在于它给予所有人相同的馈赠。
  You will see that my fair rose will be as well and cheerful in Mrs. Stephens's room as in ours. 你会看见,我那漂亮的香水月季在斯蒂芬夫人家里肯定会长得不错,与在我们家没什么两样。