美国语文第五册 第110期:慷慨的俄国农民(1)(在线收听

   Let Vergil sing the praises of Augustus, genius celebrate merit, and flattery extol the talents of the great. 让·维吉尔唱响献给奥古斯都的赞歌,历史上天才睿者颂扬罗马大帝的圣明与伟绩。

  "The short and simple annals of the poor" engross my pen; 《贫民简略编年史》一书,耗费我大量的写作时间,
  and while I record the history of Flor Silin's virtues, though I speak of a poor peasant, I shall describe a noble man. 包括叙述具有无私美德的菲洛·斯林一生,这位慷慨好施、品质高尚的人只是俄罗斯一位穷苦农民。
  I ask no eloquence to assist me in the task; modest worth rejects the aid of ornament to set it off. 我无需用花哨雄辩的语言维系自己写作,唯有内心谦卑,摒弃辞藻华美,才能径入主题。
  It is impossible, even at this distant period, to reflect without horror on the miseries of that year known in Lower Volga by the name of the "Famine Year." 即使年代沧桑久远,回想起来,我的内心恐惧依然挥之不去,总会联想那本题为《饥馑记年》一书中描述的当年纪实。
  I remember the summer, whose scorching heats had dried up all the fields, and the drought had no relief but from the tears of the ruined farmer. 我还记得灾难发生的那个夏天,炙热烧焦舔干田野里所有庄稼,干旱未见丝毫减轻,绝望无助的农民眼里只有泪水。
  I remember the cold, comfortless autumn, and the despairing rustics, crowding round their empty barns,  那年秋天,天气寒冷难挨。饥饿的乡民聚集在自家空空的谷仓周围,
  with folded arms and sorrowful countenances, pondering on their misery, instead of rejoicing, as usual, at the golden harvest. 他们束手无策,脸上满是悲哀迷惘,村庄不再像往年那样,庆贺秋天丰收季节的来临。
  I remember the winter which succeeded, and I reflect with agony on the miseries it brought with it. 我还清楚记得那个接踵而至的冬天,空中弥漫一股濒死气息,
  Whole families left their homes to become beggars on the highway. 无数家庭背井离乡外出乞讨。
  At night the canopy of heaven served them as their only shelter from the piercing winds and bitter frost. 夜晚,饥民们只能在野外露天安歇栖身,尽管天寒地冻,北风刺骨,那是他们歇宿的唯一选择。
  To describe these scenes would be to harm the feelings of my readers; therefore, to my tale. 就我书中记录来看,描述那些悲哀场面可能会伤害读者的情感。
  In those days I lived on an estate not far from Simbirsk; 当年饿殍遍野,我居住的地方离辛比尔斯克不远,
  and, though but a child, I have not forgotten the impression made on my mind by the general calamity. 尽管我那时尚且年幼,那场饿殍遍野的恐怖印象仍然记忆犹新。