美国语文第五册 第123期:勒克瑙救援(3)(在线收听

   To describe the effect of these words upon the soldiers would be impossible. 实在无法叙述这些雷人话语对周围士兵的影响,

  For a moment they ceased firing, and every soul listened with intense anxiety. 士兵们顷刻间停止了射击,每一个人都在焦虑万分地聆听。
  Gradually, however, there arose a murmur of bitter disappointment,  然而,痛苦失望中,一片片窃窃私语渐次响起,
  and the wailing of the women, who had flocked to the spot, burst out anew as the colonel shook his head. 夹杂女人们的恸哭哀号;她们刚才兴奋地聚拢过来,此刻却再度大放悲声。站在一边的上校军官摇了摇头,
  Our dull Lowland ears heard only the battle of the musketry. 耳朵不甚敏感的我们,听见的不过是持续的枪炮声。
  A few moments more of this deathlike suspense, of this agonizing hope, and Jessie, who had again sunk on the ground, sprang to her feet, 折磨人的死样寂静不过片刻,杰西复又颓然倒地,四肢摊开,
  and cried in a voice so clear and piercing that it was heard along the whole line, Will ye no believe it noo? 锐利的尖叫刺破天空,在整条街道回响,你们难道没人相信?
  The slogan has ceased, indeed, but the Campbells are comin'! D'ye hear? d' ye hear? 真的,广播停了,坎贝尔人打过来了,听见吗?你们真的听见了吗?
  At that moment all seemed indeed to hear the voice of God in the distance, 刹那间,所有人仿佛真的听到了远处上帝的声音。
  when the pibroch of the Highlanders brought us tidings of deliverance; for now there was no longer any doubt of the fact. 苏格兰高地人的风笛给我们带来了拯救的信息,此刻,这点已毋庸置疑。
  That shrill, penetrating, ceaseless sound, which rose above all other sounds, 那个战栗尖利的声音不断响着,淹没了其他所有的声音。
  could come neither from the advance of the enemy nor from the work of the sappers. 那个声音并非来自敌人的进攻,也不是来自我方人员的工事壕沟。
  No, it was indeed the blast of the Scottish bagpipes, now shrill and harsh, as threatening vengeance on the foe, 没错,那愈发颤栗刺耳的苏格兰风笛在风中炸响,似乎宣泄着对敌人复仇的呐喊,
  then in softer tones, seeming to promise succor to their friends in need. 随后略微柔和的曲调弥漫开来,宛如表达拯救患难朋友的迫切渴望。