美国语文第五册 第125期:暴风雪(1)(在线收听

   Through the hushed air the whitening shower descends, 万籁俱寂,飘落迷蒙的漫天碎雪,

  At first thin wavering; till at last the flakes fall broad and wide and fast, dimming the day, with a continual flow. 霓裳起舞,化作羽毛的柔软凋零,山川广袤,刹那间天地卷入晦暗,扬扬纷纷,笼罩了村庄河流两岸。
  The cherished fields put on their winter robe of purest white. 银装素裹,眺望一望无际的凝重,
  'T is brightness all: save where the new snow melts along the mazy current. 暮色渐褪,悄声融化的白雪皑皑,龙走蜿蜒,流水淙淙中欣然上路。
  Low the woods bow their hoar head; and ere the languid sun faint from the west emits its evening ray, 谦卑树木,风雪中低下白头,西陲夕阳,惨淡望萧瑟寒冬, 光华不再,大地苍茫月色起,
  Earth's universal face, deep-hid and chill, 风寒料峭,江河隐退寂寥收。
  Is one wild dazzling waste, 缤纷凌乱,飞雪狂舞遮不住,
  that buries wide The works of man. 天地一色,生机无限绰影留。
  Drooping, the laborer ox stands covered o'er with snow, and then demands the fruit of all his toil. 低首徘徊,砥足耕作的老牛,落雪满身,巴望主人的草料,
  The fowls of heaven, tamed by the cruel season, crowd around the winnowing store, and claim the little boon which Providence assigns them. 天寒地冻,繁重活计下煎熬;群鸟麇集,黑压压蜂拥飞来,粮仓屋前,饥饿难耐地寻找, 麸皮翻飞,悲悯众生的回报。
  One alone, The Redbreast, sacred to the household gods, 孤独踟蹰, 象征家神的知更鸟,极度敏感, 隆冬里恶劣天气,
  Wisely regardful of the embroiling sky, 万木肃杀, 田野里到处荒芜,
  In joyless fields and thorny thickets leaves his shivering mates, and pays to trusted man his annual visit. 北风刺骨, 穿过灌丛的长啸,鸟儿嘶鸣, 嗷嗷待哺的哀号,好心人呐, 数九寒天来喂鸟。