美国语文第五册 第128期:迟到(2)(在线收听

   A leading firm in commercial circles had long struggled against bankruptcy. 长期以来,商业圈里某家主要公司反对美国破产法。

  As it had large sums of money in California, it expected remittances by a certain day, 当时,这家公司有大量资金在加利福尼亚,原本指望在某一指定日子向外汇款,
  and if they arrived, its credit, its honor, and its future prosperity would be preserved. 若款项按时汇出,它的信用名誉以及它未来发展机遇无疑将得以保障。
  But week after week elapsed without bringing the gold. 但是,一个又一个星期过去了,这笔款项仍未支付。
  At last came the fatal day on which the firm had bills maturing to large amounts. 最后,至为关键的日子眼看到来,这家公司数额很大的几张汇票即将到期。
  The steamer was telegraphed at daybreak; but it was found, on inquiry, that she brought no funds, and the house failed. 黎明时分,一份加急电报发给游轮,但经过咨询发现,游轮并未携带现金,所以款项未能及时支付;
  The next arrival brought nearly half a million to the insolvents, but it was too late; 游轮再次抵达时将差不多五十万资金付予资不抵债者,但,所有一切太迟了,
  they were ruined because their agent, in remitting, had been behind time. 这家证券交易所彻底破产了,因为他们的代理商未能及时汇款。
  A condemned man was led, out for execution. 一位死刑犯即将被执行死刑,
  He had taken human life, but under circumstances of the greatest provocation, and public sympathy was active in his behalf. 考虑到在被动激怒情况下,他才犯下人命,所以,公众对他给予相当同情,
  Thousands had signed petitions for a reprieve; a favorable answer had been expected the night before,  数千人联名签名请愿对他实施缓期死刑,上峰死缓回复有待在死刑执行前一天晚上送达。
  and though it had not come, even the sheriff felt confident that it would yet arrive. 尽管批复未到,连执行司法官亦相信,缓刑已毋庸置疑。
  Thus the morning passed without the appearance of the messenger. 第二天早晨,批复仍未到达。