美国语文第五册 第130期:往日绣花图案(1)(在线收听

   Out of the way, in a corner of our dear old attic room, 走向那边角落,古老亲切的,阁楼台阶,

  Where bunches of herbs from the hillside shake ever a faint perfume, 山坡上采的药草,依然散发清淡芬芳,
  An oaken chest is standing, 橡木衣柜,静静地矗立,
  With hasp and padlock and key, 搭扣挂锁钥匙,一应俱全,
  Strong as the hands that made it, 来自海那边,木匠手艺,
  On the other side of the sea. 饱经沧桑,还是当年模样。
  When the winter days are dreary, 冬季光阴,如此抑郁漫长,
  And we're out of heart with life, 无精打采,倦怠不断滋长,
  Of its crowding cares aweary, 厌恶世俗,走马灯辛苦操劳,
  And sick of its restless strife, 无休无止,疯狂的对决较量。
  We take a lesson in patience, 不妨学习,如何能获得坚韧,
  From the attic corner dim, 从那阁楼,缕缕微弱的灯光,
  Where the chest still holds its treasures, 岁月依然,珍藏心底美好,
  A warder faithful and grim. 守护如一,信仰的隽永篇章。
  Robes of an antique fashion, 过时服装,早已年代久远,
  Linen and lace and silk, 亚麻的、丝绸的,镶着花边,
  That time has tinted with saffron, 依稀岁月,留下泛黄斑点,
  Though once they were white as milk; 曾经色泽,那么光亮簇鲜,
  Wonderful baby garments, 还有,孩子们漂亮童装,
  Boidered with loving care by fingers that felt the pleasure, 精心描绘,那多新巧图样,绣花的手,欢欣地穿针走线,
  As they wrought the ruffles fair; 将喜悦美好,缝进衣角褶边。