美国语文第五册 第132期:往日绣花图案(3)(在线收听

   You are safe in the beautiful heaven, 无忧无虑,在美丽天国,

  Elizabeth, aged nine; 九岁,九岁的伊丽莎白。
  But before you went you had troubles, 人世间,若遭遇困境,
  Sharper than any of mine. 请记住,比我意志更坚。
  Oh, the gold hair turned with sorrow, 哦,金发姑娘悲伤难抑,
  White as the drifted snow. 面容惨白,如寒冬飞雪,
  And your tears dropped here where I'm standing, 在我站立之处,簌簌眼泪,
  On this very plumed chapeau. 止不住流淌,落在这羽毛帽檐。
  When you put it away, its wearer Would need it nevermore, 一旦,你抛弃这些,意味着,你永远不再需要,
  By a sword thrust learning the secrets, 挥剑刺透,才能获悉秘密,
  God keeps on yonder shore; 生死情缘,在上帝彼岸那边;
  And you wore your grief like glory, 你以荣耀为上,寄托悲哀,
  You would not yield supine, 你生性倔强,不会颓废退让,
  Who wrought in your patient childhood, 苦难悲伤,锻造出童年坚强,
  Elizabeth, Aged Nine. 九岁,九岁的伊丽莎白。
  Out of the way, in a corner, 走过去,踏上那边的阁楼,
  With hasp and padlock and key, 父亲橡木书柜,静静立着,
  Stands the oaken chest of my fathers 搭扣挂锁钥匙,一应俱全,
  That came from over the sea; 来自遥远的大海那边。
  And the hillside herbs above it 山坡上采的药草,
  Shake odors fragrant and fine, 仍然散发清淡芬芳。
  And here on its lid is a garland 木制盒上,还套着一簇花环。
  To "Elizabeth, aged nine." “九岁,九岁的伊丽莎白。”
  For love is of the immortal, 仁爱,意味不朽奇迹,
  And patience is sublime, 坚韧,使其升华崇高,
  And trouble a thing of every day, 庸常岁月,诸多的世俗烦扰,
  And touching every time; 生活流水,不尽的困厄磨难,
  And childhood sweet and sunny, 孩提时代,孕育出甜蜜真诚,
  And womanly truth and grace, 纤细双手谱写,真谛与优雅,
  Ever call light life's darkness 用光,穿透人生茫茫黑暗,
  And bless earth's lowliest place. 祝福卑微无助者,大爱无边。