美国语文第五册 第145期:冰山(1)(在线收听

   We have just passed a fragment of some one of the surrounding icebergs that had amused us.  周围新奇无比的冰山群让人目不暇接,我们刚路过一处由冰山一角坍塌崩裂生成的冰原断层。

  It bore the resemblance of a huge polar bear, 那块冰山像只巨大的极地熊,
  reposing upon the base of an inverted cone, with a twist of a seashell, and whirling slowly round and round.  趴在倒立的圆锥体底部,贝壳般不停地扭动躯体缓慢旋转;
  The ever-attending green water, with its aerial clearness, enabled us to see its spiral folds and horns as they hung suspended in the deep. 不断涌出的绿色海水映照空中的晶莹剔透,螺旋褶皱的冰块棱角分明,悬浮于深海当中,清晰可触。
  The bear, a ten-foot mass in tolerable proportion, seemed to be regularly beset by a pack of hungry little swells.  那头极地熊状的冰山,高约十英尺的庞然大物,似乎在饥不可耐的一轮轮海浪嗜咬扑打中,早已习惯安然。
  First, one would take him on the haunch, then whip back into the sea over his tail and between his legs.  一个浪扑卷它的腰臀,急遽反弹回去,急扫过它的尾部与双腿。
  Presently a bolder swell would rise and pitch into his back with a ferocity that threatened instant destruction.  转眼间,一道更为肆虐的大浪高高扬起,凶猛地扑打冰山后背,岌岌可危的崩塌就在眼前,
  It only washed his satin fleece the whiter.  极地熊宛如白色缎子般皮毛愈加亮丽。
  While Bruin was turning to look the daring assailant in the face, the rogue had pitched himself back into his cave.  正当布来恩转身目睹这惊心动魄的一幕,一只孤兽急急地钻进它的洞穴。
  No sooner that, than a very bulldog of a billow would attack him in the face.  说时迟,那时快,一头彪悍的牛头犬翻滚着向他迎面扑来,
  The serenity with which the impertinent assault was borne was complete.  一道声响打破了极地的宁静安谧,
  It was but a puff of silvery dust, powdering his mane with fresher brightness.  刹那间,只见一条白色尘埃铺散冲来,牛头犬的蓬松鬃毛银光闪亮,
  Nothing would be left of bull but a little froth of all the foam displayed in the fierce onset.  搅起漫天飞泻流动的呼啸雪沫,预示一场凶猛的攻击转瞬即至,
  He too would turn and scud into his hiding place.  布来恩转身拔腿飞奔,躲进了藏身地。