美国语文第五册 第159期:请给自由让路(1)(在线收听

   "Make way for Liberty!" he cried;  “请给自由让路!”他高声叫道。

  Made way for Liberty, and died!  不自由,毋宁死!
  In arms the Austrian phalanx stood,  面对奥匈帝国荷枪实弹的士兵,
  A living wall, a human wood!  一座呼吸的墙,一道生命的丛林。
  A wall, where every conscious stone  墙上,紧密挽手的每块石头,
  Seemed to its kindred thousands grown;  绵亘着,成千上万的意志凝聚,
  A rampart all assaults to bear,  血肉之躯,勇猛地抵御外来进攻,
  Till time to dust their frames should wear  抵命而立,直到时间将其蹂躏成灰。
  A wood like that enchanted grove, 树林,仿佛施以魔鬼般梦魇,
  In which, with fiends, Rinaldo strove,  恶魔,肆无忌惮地施虐横行,
  Where every silent tree possessed A spirit prisoned in its breast,  每一棵树,沉默中的丰饶活力,精神,囚禁于肉体的牢笼藩篱。
  Which the first stroke of coming strife Would startle into hideous life:  转瞬将至,第一次生死关头,惊悚于,卑劣的残忍屠戮,
  So dense, so still, the Austrians stood,  奥匈队列,沉默冷酷密不透风,
  A living wall, a human wood! 一座呼吸的墙,一道生命的丛林!
  Impregnable their front appears, 奥匈军队列,坚不可摧,
  All horrent with projected spears, 无数枝,毛骨悚然的枪矛竖起,
  Whose polished points before them shine,  刀尖锃亮,阳光下刺眼夺目,
  From flank to flank, one brilliant line,  排列齐整,彰显出威严武力,
  Bright as the breakers' splendors run Along the billows to the sun. 犹如无数,细碎浪花的翻腾奔涌,扑向太阳,血色天空中一抹瑰丽。
  Opposed to these, a hovering band,  大战当前,高昂的群情激奋,
  Contending for their native laud;  高声讴歌,民族奋起的精神 ,
  Peasants, whose new-found strength had broke From manly necks the ignoble yoke,  农家子弟,潜在力量訇然爆发,男子汉脖颈,留有奴隶的卑微印记,
  And forged their fetters into swords,  赋权平等,为心中的耶和华上帝,
  On equal terms to fight their lords;  将身上锁链,锻造成刀剑锐利无比。