美国语文第五册 第193期:癫狂的火车司机(3)(在线收听

   And am now on my way to make arrangements for a great improvement I have invented for the application of steam to a locomotive.  我正在从事自己研发的如何将蒸气应用到机车项目的重大改进,

  My name is Martin Kroller.  我叫马丁·克罗尔。
  If you wish, I will run as far as Bromberg; and I will show you running that is running. 如果你愿意,我可以将火车开到布朗伯格,我要让你看看什么叫跑起来的火车。
  Was I not fortunate?  天呀,我难道不够走运?
  I determined to accept the man's offer at once, and so I told him.  我决定接受那位陌生人的请求,因此便一口应允下来,
  He received my answer with a nod and a smile.  他笑着点了下头,表示赞同我的认可。
  I went with him to the house, where we found the engine in charge of the fireman, and all ready for a start.  接着,我带他去了站台机车处,在那里见到了当班的锅炉工,他已为火车启程做好了所有准备。
  Kroller got upon the platform, and I followed him.  随后,克罗尔先生登上了机车驾驶厢,我紧紧跟随着他,
  I had never seen a man betray such a peculiar aptness amid machinery as he did.  迄今为止,我还从未见过其他人能像他那样具有非凡的掌控机器才能,
  He let on the steam in an instant, but yet with care and judgment, and he backed up to the baggage carriage with the most exact nicety.  他一边迅捷地查看蒸汽阀,一边小心翼翼地观察;然后,他来到极为整洁有序的行李车厢查看。
  I had seen enough to assure me that he was thoroughly acquainted with the business, and I felt composed once more.  我转了一圈,目睹了他的实际操作能力,心中顿时如释重负,感到踏实多了。
  I gave my engine up to the new man, and then hastened away to the office.  我将火车运行大权交与这位新人,然后准备匆忙离开赶去处理公事。
  Word was passed for all the passengers to take their seats, and soon afterward I waved my hand to the engineer. 当时车上广播正播放通知,嘱咐所有旅客尽快回到座位坐好,很快,我便与那位新司机挥手作别。
  There was a puff, a groaning of the heavy axletrees, a trembling of the building, and the train was in motion.  机车噗噗声愈发大声响起,笨重的火车轴轮发出刺耳的吱嘎吱嘎声,周围空气随之颤动起来,火车终于启动了。
  I leaped upon the platform of the guard carriage, and in a few minutes more the station house was far behind us. 我跨上警卫队车厢,不过片刻,机车房便远远消失身后。