美国语文第五册 第222期:斯格威尔的手段(4)(在线收听

   A few minutes having elapsed, during which Mr. Squeers looked very profound,  不过几分钟光景,斯格威尔先生端出一副神色安详、知识渊博的模样。

  as if he had a perfect apprehension of what was inside all the books,  他似乎对书中所有内容领悟深透,
  and could say every word of their contents by heart, if he only chose to take the trouble, that gentleman called up the first class.  对每一词语解释了然于胸,如果稍稍不厌其烦的话,这位先生恐怕会适时想起他的第一节课。
  Obedient to this summons there ranged themselves in front of the schoolmaster's desk, half a dozen scarecrows,  孩子们乖顺听话地在这位校长桌前列成一排,六七个瘦骨嶙峋的稻草人孩子,
  out at knees and elbows, one of whom placed a torn and filthy book beneath his learned eye. 膝盖手肘并用地挪将过来,其中一个孩子将一本毁损的、污秽不堪的书放在校长充满睿智的眼皮下。
  "This is the first class in English spelling and philosophy, Nickleby," said Squeers, beckoning Nicholas to stand beside him.  “尼克贝,这是我们第一节英语拼写和语法课。”斯格威尔先生开口说,示意尼古拉斯·尼克贝过来站在他的身边。
  We'll get up a Latin one, and hand that over to you. Now, then, where's the first boy? 今天,我们将学习一个拉丁词,我会把这个拉丁词语教给你们。好了,班长今天在哪?
  "Please, sir, he's cleaning the back parlor window," said the temporary head of the philosophical class. “先生,他正在擦洗后面客厅的窗户。”语法课临时班长报告说。
  "So he is, to be sure," rejoined Squeers.  “哦,这么回事,”斯格威尔先生继续说,
  We go upon the practical mode of teaching, Nickleby; the regular education system.  尼克贝,今天我们将采用实用的教学模式,即常规的教育体系。
  C-l-e-a-n, clean, verb active, to make bright, to scour. C-l-e-a-n,clean,一个主动动词,意思是变得明亮,清洗东西。
  W-i-n, win, d-e-r, der, winder, a casement. When the boy knows this out of book, he goes and does it.  W-i-n,win, d-e-r, der,winder,卷绕,卷起一扇铰链窗。你们在书本外学习这个单词,然后走过去卷起窗子,
  It's just the same principle as the use of the globes. Where's the second boy?  这种学习方法正是世界普遍采用的法则。副班长在哪?