美国语文第五册 第261期:在摇篮中安睡(1)(在线收听

   Backward, turn backward, O Time, in your flight, 时光穿梭,飞快地回到从前,

  Make me a child again, just for to-night! 今晚星光,我变成可爱孩子,
  Mother, come back from the echoless shore, 妈妈,从无法应答的彼岸归来,
  Take me again to your heart as of yore; 一如往昔,将我搂抱入怀。
  Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care, 轻轻地, 她吻着我的前额皱纹,
  Smooth the few silver threads out of my hair; 随后抚平,我鬓角上初现白发,
  Over my slumbers your loving watch keep; 满心怜爱,默默地看我安睡——
  Rock me to sleep, mother,—rock me to sleep! 妈妈呵,慢慢荡起摇篮,让我入眠!
  Backward, flow backward, O tide of the years! 时光穿梭,追溯往昔岁月,
  I am so weary of toil and of tears; 难以应对, 生活困厄操劳,
  Toil without recompense, tears all in vain; 呕心沥血,汗水无法兑现,
  Take them, and give me my childhood again! 不再忧伤,今晚我又回到童年!
  I have grown weary of dust and decay, 滚滚红尘,行尸走肉的皮囊,
  Weary of flinging my soul wealth away; 迷惘不安,如何失去信念?
  Weary of sowing for others to reap; 世事喧嚣,充满尔虞我诈,
  Rock me to sleep, mother,—rock me to sleep! 妈妈呵,慢慢荡起摇篮,让我入眠!
  Tired of the hollow, the base, the untrue, 我早已,厌倦世俗的虚伪卑鄙,
  Mother, O mother, my heart calls for you! 哦,妈妈,我从心底呼唤你!
  Many a summer the grass has grown green, 夏夜星落,那片滴翠的草地,
  Blossomed and faded, our faces between: 母女笑容,跌落在花开花落之间,
  Yet with strong yearning and passionate pain, 难以抑制,我多年的思念苦楚,
  Long I to-night for your presence again. 哦,妈妈,渴望你今晚出现。
  Come from the silence so long and so deep; 回来吧,你在寂寞黑暗消失很久,
  Rock me to sleep, mother,—rock me to sleep! 妈妈呵,慢慢荡起摇篮,让我入眠!