美国语文第五册 第290期:水手的梦(1)(在线收听

   In slumbers of midnight the sailor boy lay;  午夜,少年水手进入睡眠,

  His hammock swung loose at the sport of the wind; 轻松随意的风,荡起吊床,
  But watch-worn and weary, his cares flew away,  褪下,白昼紧张的躯壳,
  And visions of happiness danced o’er his mind.  心中,美梦盘旋流连。
  He dreamed of his home, of his dear native bowers,  浓密树荫下,家的幻觉,
  And pleasures that waited on life’s merry morn; 稚气地企盼,晨曦苏醒,
  While Memory each scene gayly covered with flowers,  欣然回想,每簇花丛的记忆,
  And restored every rose, but secreted the thorn.  品尝美好,将痛苦深深藏匿。
  Then Fancy her magical pinions spread wide,  幻想鸟儿,离家愈飞愈近,
  And bade the young dreamer in ecstasy rise;  痴迷眺望,颤栗不住的心悸,
  Now, far, far behind him the green waters glide,  海水哗哗,恍惚消退走远,
  And the cot of his forefathers blesses his eyes. 叠涌闪现,家乡亲人的眼睛。
  The jessamine clambers in flowers o’er the thatch, 茉莉花树,越过颓圮屋顶,
  And the swallow chirps sweet from her nest in the wall; 燕子唧啾,筑巢不再飘零,
  All trembling with transport, he raises the latch, 惊喜若狂中,他推开门闩,
  And the voices of loved ones reply to his call. 游子归来,父母的熟悉身影。
  A father bends o’er him with looks of delight;  年长水手,俯身疼爱的慈祥,
  His cheek is impearled with a mother’s warm tear;  梦中盘桓,晶莹泪花渗出,
  And the lips of the boy in a love kiss unite  热烈的唇,散发轻吻清香,
  With the lips of the maid whom his bosom holds dear. 袅娜走来,久远的倩影佳人。
  The heart of the sleeper beats high in his breast;  少年的心,怦怦地猛跳胸膛,
  Joy quickens his pulses,—all his hardships seem o’er;  脉搏加快,痛苦消散不再,
  And a murmur of happiness steals through his rest, 思恋话语,溪水般潺潺流淌,
  “O God! thou hast blest me,—I ask for no more.” 哦,上帝保佑!微薄美梦成真。
  Ah! whence is that flame which now bursts on his eye?  啊!你眼里火光,来自哪里?
  Ah! what is that sound that now ’larums his ear?  啊!你耳边声音,来自何方?
  This the lightning’s red glare painting hell on the sky!  那是炸雷滚动,大地呻吟,
  This the crashing of thunders, the groan of the sphere! 闪电,将地狱腥红写在天上。