美国语文第五册 第309期:哈姆雷特(3)(在线收听

   Where, as they had deliver'd, both in time, Form of the thing, each word made true and good, The apparition comes: 果然不出所料,那魂灵又来了,它出现的时间还有身影与马塞勒斯与勃那多描述得竟然不差分毫。

  I knew your father; These hands are not more like. 我见过您的父王,那魂灵模样与您的父王委实无异。
  But where was this? 在什么地方?
  Marcellus says: My lord, upon the platform where we watch'd. 马塞勒斯说:陛下,就在我们守夜的平台上。
  Did you speak to it? 你们与它说话吗?
  Horatio says: My lord, I did; But answer made it none: 霍瑞修说:陛下,我问话了,可它没有回应;
  yet once methought It lifted up its head and did address Itself to motion, like as it would speak; 可我觉得,那魂灵当时好像抬起头,刚想开口说话,
  But even then the morning cock crew loud, And at the sound it shrunk in haste away, And vanish'd from our sight. 可偏巧那时,晨鸡鸣叫起来,那魂灵听见鸡鸣声,转眼间便隐遁不见了。
  'T is very strange. 这事可真够鬼怪灵异。
  As I do live, my honor'd lord, 't is true; And we did think it writ down in our duty To let you know of it. 尊贵的陛下,此事千真万确,我敢以性命担保;我们有责任让您知晓实情。
  Indeed, indeed, sirs, but this troubles me, Hold you the watch to-night? 很好,真的,朋友们,不过我对这事依然心存疑惑,今晚你们还去守夜?
  Marcellus and Bernardo say: We do, my lord. 马塞勒斯和勃那多说:是的,陛下。
  Arm'd, say you? Arm'd, my lord. 你们说那魂灵穿着胄甲?是的,陛下。
  From top to toe? My lord, from head to foot. 全身披挂?从头至脚,陛下。
  Then saw you not his face? 那你们没看清那魂灵的脸吗?
  Horatio says: Oh, yes, my lord; he wore his beaver up. 霍瑞修说:哦,我看见了,陛下;它揭起了脸上盔甲。
  What, look'd he frowningly? 它愁眉紧锁吗?
  A countenance more in sorrow than in anger. 它的脸上悲伤胜过愤怒。
  Pale or red? Nay, very pale. 脸色惨白或是红润?满脸惨白。