美国语文第五册 第313期:论烤猪(3)(在线收听

   Again he felt and fumbled at the pig. 波波再次探手摸了摸小猪,

  It did not burn him so much now; still he licked his fingers from a sort of habit. 炙热的烤猪不再那么灼烫,他习惯地又吮吸了一下手指。
  The truth at length broke into his slow understanding that it was the pig that smelt so, and the pig that tasted so delicious; 此刻,一向迟钝的他突然醍醐灌顶,那种奇妙无比的醇香居然来自那只火中乳猪,焦脆的猪肉尝起来美味绵长,
  and surrendering himself up to the newborn pleasure, he fell to tearing up whole handfuls of the scorched skin with the flesh next it, 波波全身心沉湎于这一前所未有的快感中,索性尽兴地大块撕扯着那团乳猪,忙不迭地拼命往嘴里海吃乱塞。
  and was cramming it down his throat in his beastly fashion, when his sire entered amid the smoking rafters, armed with a retributory cudgel, 恰好这时,他老爸迈步走过尚且冒着余烟的椽木,手里提着一根杀威棒,
  and, finding how affairs stood, began to rain blows upon the young rogue's shoulders as thick as hailstones, 看到惨不忍睹的家,雨点般的手起棒落,全部落到了倒霉蛋的波波身上。
  which Bo-bo heeded not any more than if they had been flies. 此时的波波吃得正欢,何曾理会老爸飞来的棍棒,美食当前的他,不过像被蚊蝇叮咬几口罢。
  His father might lay on, but he could not beat him from his pig till he had fairly made an end of it, 怒火中烧的老爸棍棒不断,波波狼吞虎咽地咀嚼不停,直到将那只乳猪彻底消灭干净,
  when, becoming a little more sensible of his situation, something like the following dialogue ensued: 这时波波似乎才略微明白眼前处境,接下来父子间没准有如下对话:
  You graceless whelp, what have you got there devouring? 你这不知羞耻的狗崽子,你蹲在哪里吞吃什么?
  Is it not enough that you have burnt me down three houses with your dog's tricks, and be hanged to you! 咱家房子给你烧光了三次,你这惹是生非的家伙,难道还没烧够?
  but you must be eating fire, and I know not what? What have you got there, I say? 你这天杀的贱货!你在火里刨吃什么呀?我的天呀,你在吃什么东西?
  “O father, the pig, the pig! do come and taste how nice the burnt pig eats!” 哎呀,老爸,是小猪,小猪呀!快来尝尝这好吃的小猪。