美国语文第五册 第317期:北极光(1)(在线收听

   Lavender had already transformed Sheila into a heroine during the half hour of their stroll from the beach and around the house; 在海滩以及住处周边半小时的散步途中,莱维德紧随希拉左右,对她百般依顺。

  and as they sat at dinner on this still, brilliant evening in summer, he clothed her in the garments of romance. 夏季的黄昏,周围静寂极了,天空明亮依然,当两人准备坐在餐桌前吃饭时,莱维德为希拉披上浪漫色调的外套。
  Her father, with his great, gray beard and heavy brow, became the King of Thule, 希拉父亲长有一副漂亮的灰色胡须,眉毛粗黑浓重。俨然一位威严的极地之王。
  living in this solitary house overlooking the sea, and having memories of a dear sweetheart. 在这处可以俯瞰大海的孤零零房舍,他心里珍藏心上人的美好记忆,
  His daughter, the Princess, had the glamour of a thousand legends dwelling in her beautiful eyes; 极地公主那么漂亮迷人,那双美丽的眼睛扑闪着无数极地传奇,
  and when she walked by the shores of the Atlantic, that were now getting yellow under the sunset, 夕阳西下,天空金光夺目四溢,希拉信步走向大西洋海边沙滩。
  what strange and unutterable thoughts must appear in the wonder of her face! 漂亮的脸庞里隐藏多少无以言说的深邃神秘!
  After dinner they went outside and sat down on a bench in the garden. 晚餐后,希拉和父亲走到屋外,在花园里长凳坐下。
  It was a cool and pleasant evening. 凉风送爽,夏季的傍晚心旷神怡。
  The sun had gone down in red fire behind the Atlantic, and there was still left a rich glow of crimson in the west, 太阳裹着一团红色烈焰落入寥廓的大西洋,西边天陲现出深浅不一的火红斑斓,
  while overhead, in the pale yellow of the sky, some filmy clouds of rose color lay motionless. 浅黄色头顶上空,玫瑰色的薄云空渺朦胧,纹丝不动。
  How calm was the sea out there, and the whiter stretch of water coming into Loch Roag! 身边大海安然若素,粼粼银光的海面逶迤绵延到远处的洛赫罗格海湾。
  The cool air of the twilight was scented with sweetbrier. 暮色里凉风袭人,暗香浮动。
  The wash of the ripples along the coast could be heard in the stillness. 不远的岸边周遭静谧,甚至可以听见浪花拍打沙滩传来的窃窃私语。