美国语文第五册 第320期:北极光(4)(在线收听

   That bay down there, with its white sands and massive rocks, its still expanse of water, 脚下那片海湾沙滩洁白,岸边巨石嶙峋,水面更见宽阔无边,海湾上空,

  and its background of mountain peaks palely covered by the yellow moonlight, seemed really a home for a magic princess who was shut off from all the world. 金黄色月光将山峰背景映成苍白,好一处与世隔绝中极地公主的神奇家园。
  But here, in front of them, was another sort of sea, and another sort of life, —a small fishing village hidden under a cloud of pale peat smoke, 眼前大海自有别样迷人风情,别样不同生活,藏匿在隐绰泥炭炊烟下的小渔村里,
  and fronting the great waters of the Atlantic itself, which lay under a gloom of violet clouds. 独自面对浩瀚大西洋的惊涛骇浪,在紫色晦暗云团下慵懒演绎一轮轮庸常岁月。
  On the way home it was again Lavender’s good fortune to walk with Sheila across the moorland path they had traversed some little time before. 对莱维德来说,回家路上的他,真是再度幸运光临,能与希拉携手走出先前颇费艰难才跋涉穿过的一处沼泽地。
  And now the moon was still higher in the heavens, and the yellow lane of light that crossed the violet waters of Loch Roag quivered in a deeper gold. 此时月亮在空中升得更高,一条黄色的光柱通衢横跨洛赫罗格紫色的海面,在愈加深黄的夜幕深处战栗摇曳。
  The night air was scented with the Dutch clover growing down by the shore. 夜风习习,弥漫出岸边荷兰三叶草的清馨芬芳;
  They could hear the curlew whistling and the plover calling amid that monotonous plash of the waves that murmured all around the coast. 沙滩四周,海浪单调如一的拍打声碎细呢喃,莱维德和希拉甚至还能听到麻鹬的鸣啾,偶然夹杂凤头麦鸡的求偶声。
  When they returned to the house, the darker waters of the Atlantic and the purple clouds of the west were shut out from sight; 希拉和莱维德回到家,西部边陲大西洋更为黝黑的海面从他们眼中消失,同时消逝的还有天空众多的紫色云团,
  and before them there was only the liquid plain of Loch Roag, with its pathway of yellow fire, 偌大平静的洛赫罗格海湾铺在面前;海水上空,一条亮丽的焰火之路延伸向远。
  and far away on the other side the shoulders and peaks of the southern mountains, 越过南方绵亘山脉的山脊或巅峰。
  that had grown gray and clear and sharp in the beautiful twilight. And this was Sheila’s home. 那片遥远地方呵,美丽极光不断演绎着大自然神奇,时而晦暗幽深,时而热烈清朗,时而惊诧莫名,那,就是希拉可爱的家园。