江苏译林版牛津小学英语(3起)五年级下册:Unit8 Cartoon time(在线收听

 Bobby is a hero in a play. 波比在话剧里扮演一个英雄。

Help! Help! 救命啊!救命啊!
How can I open the door? 我怎么才能打开这扇门?
Bobby sees some numbers on the door. 波比看见门上有几个数字。
Is this the password? That's easy for me. I'm good at Maths. 难道这是密码吗?这对我来说太容易了。我最擅长数学了。
Bobby has the answers. 波比有了答案。
The first number is six. The second number is three.  第一个数字是6,第二个数字是3,
The third number is also six. The fourth number is two. 第三个数字也是6,第四个数字是2。
The door opens. Bobby goes in.  门打开了。波比进了门。
There is a pig in the house. They start fighting. 波比看见房子里有一头猪,他们开始战斗。
The pig runs away. Then, a cat comes out from a room. 猪跑开了。接着,从屋里走来一只猫。
Thank you so much! 太感谢你了!
Oh, what a play! 噢,这是什么话剧啊!