
 CHAPTER 13. Wheelbarrow.  第13章 救人

Next morning, Monday, after disposing of the embalmed head to a barber, for a block, I settled my own and comrade's bill; using, however, my comrade's money.  第二天,是星期一。我把那个香料制的人头卖给了一个理发匠,就去找店老板结账,账是我们俩的,钱却是他一个人的。 
The grinning landlord, as well as the boarders, seemed amazingly tickled at the sudden friendship which had sprung up between me and Queequeg—especially as Peter Coffin's cock and bull stories about him had previously so much alarmed me concerning the very person whom I now companied with.  店里的人们对我们俩之间突然产生的友谊似乎很感兴趣,特别是店老板彼德·科芬,他关于野人的谎话曾经把我吓了个半死,可如今我和野人成了好朋友。 
We borrowed a wheelbarrow, and embarking our things, including my own poor carpet-bag, and Queequeg's canvas sack and hammock, away we went down to "the Moss," the little Nantucket packet schooner moored at the wharf.  我借了一辆独轮车,把我们的行李装了上去,直奔停泊在港口的邮船“摩斯号”。 
As we were going along the people stared; not at Queequeg so much—for they were used to seeing cannibals like him in their streets, 一路上有很多人注视着我们。他们看的并非魁魁格,因为街头巷尾像他这样的人并不鲜见,
but at seeing him and me upon such confidential terms.  他们感到奇怪的是我跟这样一个人的良好的关系。 
But we heeded them not, going along wheeling the barrow by turns, and Queequeg now and then stopping to adjust the sheath on his harpoon barbs.  对他们我们一点也不理会,轮流推着小车往前走,魁魁格偶尔停一停,整理一下标枪钩上的皮鞘。 
I asked him why he carried such a troublesome thing with him ashore, and whether all whaling ships did not find their own harpoons.  我问他是不是捕鲸船上都不备标枪而要标枪手自带。
To this, in substance, he replied, that though what I hinted was true enough, yet he had a particular affection for his own harpoon,  他说他的标枪质地上乘、饱经战阵,
because it was of assured stuff, well tried in many a mortal combat, and deeply intimate with the hearts of whales. In short, like many inland reapers and mowers, who go into the farmers' meadows armed with their own scythes—though in no wise obliged to furnish them—even so,  捅到过数不清的大鲸鱼的心脏,就像一个农民喜欢自己的镰刀一样,他无比热爱自己的标枪。独轮车由我手里转到他手里时,
Queequeg, for his own private reasons, preferred his own harpoon.  魁魁格给我讲了一个关于他第一次见到独轮车的故事。