
 Is this the Captain of the Pequod? said I, advancing to the door of the tent.  您是不是船长?我问。

Supposing it be the captain of the Pequod, what dost thou want of him? he demanded.  是的话,你找我有什么事? 
I was thinking of shipping.  我想当水手。
Thou wast, wast thou? I see thou art no Nantucketer,ever been in a stove boat?  你?不是南塔开特人吧?在救生艇上逃过生吗? 
No, Sir, I never have.  没有,先生。 
Dost know nothing at all about whaling, I dare say eh?  嗯,对捕鲸业是不是一无所知啊? 
Nothing, Sir; but I have no doubt I shall soon learn. I've been several voyages in the merchant service, and I think that. 是的,先生。不过,我很快就能学会!我在商船上干过,我…… 
Merchant service be damned. Talk not that lingo to me. Dost see that leg?I'll take that leg away from thy stern, if ever thou talkest of the marchant service to me again.  商船?别跟我提什么狗屁商船!你还以为干过商船是一种荣誉吗?再说商船我就劈开你的腿!
Marchant service indeed! I suppose now ye feel considerable proud of having served in those marchant ships.  好啦,我问你,你现在为什么要上捕鲸船?
But flukes! man, what makes thee want to go a whaling, eh?it looks a little suspicious, don't it, eh? 你现在为什么要来捕鲸?很值得怀疑啊!
Hast not been a pirate, hast thou?Didst not rob thy last Captain, didst thou?Dost not think of murdering the officers when thou gettest to sea?  你是不是当过海盗、抢劫过你的船长、谋杀过船上的大副? 