
 Come aboard, come aboard; never mind about the papers.  好啦,上船吧,甭管什么证件不证件了,

I say, tell Quohog there—what's that you call him? tell Quohog to step along.  叫那个刮荷格还是什么格也上船吧! 
By the great anchor, what a harpoon he's got there! looks like good stuff that; and he handles it about right.  好啊,多厉害的一枝标枪啊!好钢打的!使这样的标枪的人大概也不会错吧,
I say, Quohog, or whatever your name is, did you ever stand in the head of a whale-boat? did you ever strike a fish?  我说刮荷格还是什么格的,你在捕鲸船上干过吗?打到过鲸鱼吗? 
Without saying a word, Queequeg, in his wild sort of way, jumped upon the bulwarks, from thence into the bows of one of the whale-boats hanging to the side;  魁魁格根本没理法勒船长,他低着头,跳上舷墙又从舷墙上跳进一艘悬在船侧的捕鲸艇,
and then bracing his left knee, and poising his harpoon, cried out in some such way as this:—  然后曲膝平举他的标枪: 
Cap'ain, you see him small drop tar on water dere? You see him?  船长,看见海里的那一滴油了吗?那就算是鲸鱼的眼睛吧,看好喽!
Well, spose him one whale eye, well, den! and taking sharp aim at it,  话说到这儿,他的标枪嗖地一声飞了出去, 
he darted the iron right over old Bildad's broad brim, clean across the ship's decks, and struck the glistening tar spot out of sight.  掠过比勒达的宽边儿帽,扎入了海里。那滴油立刻就不见了踪影。 