
 Look here, friend, said I, if you have anything important to tell us, out with it; but if you are only trying to bamboozle us,  够了。请你直截了当地把你要说的话说出来吧!这么神头鬼脑地说些不着边际的话,

you are mistaken in your game; that's all I have to say.  未免有点骗人的嫌疑了吧! 我很不客气地说。 
And it's said very well, and I like to hear a chap talk up that way; you are just the man for him—the likes of ye. Morning to ye, shipmates, morning!  噢,讲得很好,我最喜欢别人以这种方式讲话。像你这样的人他最需要!好啦,再会吧,船友们! 
Oh! when ye get there, tell 'em I've concluded not to make one of 'em.  噢,对了,等你们上船以后请你代为转告,我已决定不当他们的水手了! 
Ah, my dear fellow, you can't fool us that way—you can't fool us. It is the easiest thing in the world for a man to look as if he had a great secret in him.  哈,我说船友,你用这套把戏是骗不了我们的,装着神秘兮兮的,谁都会! 好吧,祝你们好运! 
Morning to ye, shipmates, morning.  本来运气就很好嘛!走吧,魁魁格,离开这位半疯子吧! 
Morning it is, said I. Come along, Queequeg, let's leave this crazy man. But stop, tell me your name, will you?  不过,我还想问一问,你的尊姓大名? 
Elijah.  以利亚。 
Elijah! thought I, and we walked away, both commenting, after each other's fashion, upon this ragged old sailor;  以利亚! 我默默地重复了一下,便和魁魁格一起离开了这个叫化子似的老水手。
and agreed that he was nothing but a humbug, trying to be a bugbear.  我们俩一致认为,他不过是个骗子,没有得逞! 