
 Chief among those who did this fetching and carrying was Captain Bildad's sister, a lean old lady of a most determined and indefatigable spirit,  负责准备这些东西的,是比勒达船长的妹妹,一个小老太婆。

but withal very kindhearted, who seemed resolved that, if SHE could help it, nothing should be found wanting in the Pequod, after once fairly getting to sea.  她是个很干练的人,仿佛永远不知疲倦地往船上搬着各种各样的东西:牛肉、面包、淡水、铁桶、燃料、钳子、餐巾、刃叉、锤剪…
At one time she would come on board with a jar of pickles for the steward's pantry; another time with a bunch of quills for the chief mate's desk, where he kept his log;  这是一位以慈悲为怀的老人,她以她的善心和体贴入微的行动,关怀着船上的每一个人:这回她手里拿的是厨房里用的一罐酸菜,下一次她拿着的又是为大副记航海日志而准备的一大扎鹅毛笔,
a third time with a roll of flannel for the small of some one's rheumatic back.  再下一回拿着的则是给得风湿病的人护腰用的法兰绒…
Never did any woman better deserve her name, which was Charity—Aunt Charity, as everybody called her.  大家都叫她“慈善姑妈”。给人以爱是她一生的生活准则,
And like a sister of charity did this charitable Aunt Charity bustle about hither and thither,  何况这船上还投着她劳碌一生积攒下来的几十个银元呢! 
ready to turn her hand and heart to anything that promised to yield safety, comfort,  比勒达和法勒自然也没闲着:比勒达身上带着一个船上需要物的清单,每当一样东西运上船,他都要在清单上相应的位置打个勾儿;
and consolation to all on board a ship in which her beloved brother Bildad was concerned, and in which she herself owned a score or two of well-saved dollars.  法勒则在不停地东游游西看看,看到有什么不顺他的眼的地方,便要咆哮一顿。 