
 Meanwhile, upon questioning him in his broken fashion, Queequeg gave me to understand that, in his land, owing to the absence of settees and sofas of all sorts, the king,  这在普通的商船上是司空见惯的事情,因为船只启航离港用不着船长做什么具体的指挥,那是领港人的事情。

chiefs, and great people generally, were in the custom of fattening some of the lower orders for ottomans;  他们只要坐在船长室里就可以了,而事实上他们已经是这样,在船长室里和自己的亲人做着告别的交谈,
and to furnish a house comfortably in that respect, you had only to buy up eight or ten lazy fellows, and lay them round in the piers and alcoves.  直到亲人们坐上小艇和领港人一齐离开大船为止。 
Besides, it was very convenient on an excursion; much better than those garden-chairs which are convertible into walking-sticks;  魁魁格告诉我,按他们那儿的习惯,国王和贵族都是坐在那些养得肥肥胖胖的仆人身上的。
upon occasion, a chief calling his attendant, and desiring him to make a settee of himself under a spreading tree, perhaps in some damp marshy place.  外出时也是如此,在大树的阴凉下,喊过一个仆人来,让他趴在潮湿的地上,然后就可以舒舒服服地坐到仆人的背上了。 
While narrating these things, every time Queequeg received the tomahawk from me, he flourished the hatchet-side of it over the sleeper's head.  魁魁格讲着他家乡的故事,不时地从我手里接过烟斗斧去,顺便在那酣睡的人头上晃两下。 
What's that for, Queequeg?  魁魁格,你这是干什么? 
Perry easy, kill-e; oh! perry easy!  噢,砍下去很简单!
He was going on with some wild reminiscences about his tomahawk-pipe,  他是握着烟斗斧在作很自然的想像,这斧子往下一砍,便会人头落地。 
which, it seemed, had in its two uses both brained his foes and soothed his soul, when we were directly attracted to the sleeping rigger.  烟气越来越多,那梦中的人被熏得咕哝了一句什么,翻了个身,终于坐了起来。 