
 Ever since young Stiggs coming from that unfort'nt v'y'ge of his, when he was gone four years and a half, with only three barrels of ile,  自从那位可怜的小伙子斯替格死在客房里以后,唉,他出海四年半,只带回三桶鱼杂碎来。

was found dead in my first floor back, with his harpoon in his side;  他的标枪插入了后腰! 
ever since then I allow no boarders to take sich dangerous weepons in their rooms at night.  我就不准客人带标枪进房了。 
So, Mr. Queequeg. I will just take this here iron, and keep it for you till morning. But the chowder; clam or cod to-morrow for breakfast, men?  好了,魁魁格先生,放心交给我吧,明天一早我就给你。 对了,明天早晨吃什么,鳘鱼还是蛤蜊? 
Both, says I; and let's have a couple of smoked herring by way of variety.  都要!再加两条熏青鱼,换换味儿。 我说。