
 With a philosophical flourish Cato throws himself upon his sword; I quietly take to the ship.  当年伽图是一边大诵哲学,一边引剑自刎的;我却悄悄地上了船。

There is nothing surprising in this.  这是一点也不奇怪的事情。
If they but knew it, almost all men in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards the ocean with me. 只要人们能够了解个中情况,那么,差不多一切的人,在各自不同的程度上,不在这个时候便在那个时候,都跟我一样对海洋抱有十分近似的感情。
There now is your insular city of the Manhattoes, belted round by wharves as Indian isles by coral reefs--commerce surrounds it with her surf.  喏,这儿就是你的曼哈托斯岛城,四周环列着许多码头,犹如珊瑚礁之环绕那些西印度小岛......商业以它的浪涛围绕着它。
Right and left, the streets take you waterward.  左右两面的街道都把你引向水边去。
Its extreme downtown is the battery, where that noble mole is washed by waves, and cooled by breezes, which a few hours previous were out of sight of land.  最远的商业区就是炮台,风吹浪打着那儿宏伟的防波堤,几个钟头以前那儿还看不到陆地。
Look at the crowds of water-gazers there. 你瞧那边一群群欣赏海景的人。
Circumambulate the city of a dreamy Sabbath afternoon.  不妨在一个如梦的安息日下午。
Go from Corlears Hook to Coenties Slip, and from thence, by Whitehall, northward. What do you see? 往城里兜一转去.先从柯利亚斯.胡克走到柯恩梯斯.斯立甫,再从那边经过怀特豪尔朝北走去。你看到些什么呀?