
 Then the wild and distant seas where he rolled his island bulk;  其次,那条大鲸在那里面滚动它那岛屿般的身体的荒凉辽阔的大海;

the undeliverable, nameless perils of the whale;  和与那条大鲸分不开的无可言宣.难以名状的种种惊险;
these, with all the attending marvels of a thousand Patagonian sights and sounds, helped to sway me to my wish.  以及沿途在巴塔哥尼亚一带见到的听到的无数声色之奇,都帮助影响我的意图。
With other men, perhaps, such things would not have been inducements;  在另一些人看来,这类事情也许不会使人动心;
but as for me, I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote.  但是,拿我来说,凡是天外的东西总是永远引得我心痒难熬,苦念不已。
I love to sail forbidden seas, and land on barbarous coasts.  我就爱远涉惊涛阻隔的重洋,就爱攀援野人栖迟的海岸。
Not ignoring what is good, I am quick to perceive a horror,  我并不是不知好歹,我是易于理会恐怖,
and could still be social with it-would they let me-since it is but well to be on friendly terms with all the inmates of the place one lodges in. 且又能够应付恐怖的...只要人们容许我...因为一个人托身在一个地方,跟那地方的居民都能友善相处,是只有好处的。
By reason of these things, then, the whaling voyage was welcome;  由于上述种种原因,所以,这次捕鲸航行正是我求之不得的。
the great flood-gates of the wonder-world swung open, and in the wild conceits that swayed me to my purpose,  那扇神奇世界的大闸门豁然洞开,在那个影响我立下决心的狂想里,无穷尽的大鲸列阵而来,
two and two there floated into my inmost soul, endless processions of the whale, and, mid most of them all, one grand hooded phantom, like a snow hill in the air. 成双捉对地游进我灵魂的深处,而在这一切中间,突然出现一条庞大的头角峥嵘的妖物,象是高耸云霄的一座雪山.