
 And when it comes to sleeping with an unknown stranger, in a strange inn, in a strange town, and that stranger a harpooneer, then your objections indefinitely multiply.  至于跟一个从不相识的陌生人睡觉,在一个陌生的客店里,而且在一个陌生的地方,而那个陌生人又是个标枪手,那样你的反感就会无限地增加。

Nor was there any earthly reason why I as a sailor should sleep two in a bed, more than anybody else;  难道因为我是个水手,就得与众不同地两个人睡一张床?天下哪有这种道理!
for sailors no more sleep two in a bed at sea, than bachelor Kings do ashore.  岸上单身的国王是一个人睡觉,海上的水手也是一个人睡觉。
To be sure they all sleep together in one apartment, but you have your own hammock, and cover yourself with your own blanket, and sleep in your own skin. 固然,他们全睡在一个房间里,可是,你有你自己的吊床,盖你自己的毯子,还可以一丝不挂的睡着。
The more I pondered over this harpooneer, the more I abominated the thought of sleeping with him.  我越想到这个标枪手,越厌恨要跟他一起睡的念头。
It was fair to presume that being a harpooneer, his linen or woollen, as the case might be, would not be of the tidiest, certainly none of the finest.  他既然是个标枪手,那么一点儿也不冤枉他,他的衬衣或者羊毛衫...这要看情况...一定是不会太干净的,而且决不会是顶柔软的。
I began to twitch all over. Besides, it was getting late, and my decent harpooneer ought to be home and going bedwards.  我开始浑身抽搐起来了.再说,天色已经越来越晚了,我那位好标枪手也应当回来睡觉了。
Suppose now, he should tumble in upon me at midnight-how could I tell from what vile hole he had been coming? 如果他在深更半夜里七冲八跌地撞到我身上来...我又怎么知道他是打什么窠里钻出来的呢?