
 Landlord! I've changed my mind about that harpooneer.I shan't sleep with him. I'll try the bench here. 老板!我改变主意啦,那个标枪手...我不跟他一起睡了.我还是在这张长凳上将就一夜吧。

Just as you please; I'm sorry I cant spare ye a tablecloth for a mattress, and it's a plaguy rough board here-feeling of the knots and notches.  随你的便;真对不起,我可无法给你腾出一张台布来做褥子,这块板又粗得要命....他摸摸上面那些高高低低的木节。
But wait a bit, Skrimshander; I've got a carpenter's plane there in the bar wait, I say, and I'll make ye snug enough.  不过,等一等,贝壳佬(水手的俗称,因水手空下来总要用贝壳做解闷手工。我酒拒里还藏有木匠用的一只刨子...请等一会,喂,我会给你安排舒齐的。
So saying he procured the plane; and with his old silk handkerchief first dusting the bench, vigorously set to planing away at my bed, the while grinning like an ape.  说着,他去把刨子找来了:他用他那条旧绸帕子掸掉凳上的灰尘后,就劲道十足地开始给我刨床了,同时,象只猴子似的咧开大嘴笑着。
The shavings flew right and left; till at last the plane-iron came bump against an indestructible knot.  刨花左右纷飞;最后刨刀碰上了一个再也刨不掉的木节。
The landlord was near spraining his wrist, and I told him for heaven's sake to quit 店老板刨得几乎把手腕都给扭伤了,于是我对他说,看在老天爷份上,别刨了!
the bed was soft enough to suit me, and I did not know how all the planing in the world could make eider down of a pine plank.  这只床给我睡已经够软的了,我也不知道世界上有什么刨子会把硬松板刨成鸭绒垫子。
So gathering up the shavings with another grin, and throwing them into the great stove in the middle of the room, he went about his business, and left me in a brown study. 于是,他又咧开大嘴笑着,把刨花收拾拢来,扔进屋子中央那只大火炉里,又去忙他的活儿,剩下我一个人在呆想。