
 Whether that mattress was stuffed with corncobs or broken crockery, there is no telling, but I rolled about a good deal, and could not sleep for a long time.  那个褥子究竟装的是玉米棒子还是破瓦片,可摸不准,不过,我翻来复去,好久都睡不着觉。

At last I slid off into a light doze, and had pretty nearly made a good offing towards the land of Nod, when I heard a heavy footfall in the passage,  最后,就在我蒙睡去,快要准备舒舒服服进入黑甜乡的时候,就听到过道里一阵沉重的脚步声,
and saw a glimmer of light come into the room from under the door. 接着又看见门下面一点微光向屋子这边移过来。
Lord save me, thinks I, that must be the harpooneer, the infernal head-peddler.  老天救命呀,我心里想,这一定是那个标枪手来了,那个无法无天的人头贩子来了。
But I lay perfectly still, and resolved not to say a word till spoken to.  但是,我一动不动地睡着,决定除非他跟我说话,我决不先开口。
Holding a light in one hand, and that identical New Zealand head in the other, the stranger entered the room, and without looking towards the bed,  这个陌生人,一只手拿着一支蜡烛,另一手拿着那只前面说过的新西兰头,进房来了,他也不朝床铺这边望一望,
placed his candle a good way off from me on the floor in one corner, and then began working away at the knotted cords of the large bag I before spoke of as being in the room.  把蜡烛放在离我很远的一个角落的地板上,就径自去解开我前面说过的.放在房间里的那个大水手包的绳子。
I was all eagerness to see his face, but he kept it averted for some time while employed in unlacing the bag's mouth.  我急切想看看他的脸,可是,有好半天他背着身子,一心在解水手包口上的绳子。