乔布斯传 第403期:微软契约(6)(在线收听

 "I happen to have a special guest with me today via satellite downlink," he said, “今天我恰巧有位卫星连线的特殊客人...”他说,

and suddenly Bill Gates's face appeared on the huge screen looming over Jobs and the auditorium. 然后突然间,比尔·盖茨的脸出现在巨幅屏幕上,可怕地俯视着乔布斯和整个礼堂。
There was a thin smile on Gates's face that flirted with being a smirk. 盖茨的脸上露出淡淡的微笑,抑或是傻笑。
The audience gasped in horror, followed by some boos and catcalls. 观众全部惊得目瞪口呆,紧接着嘘声和倒彩声响成一片。
The scene was such a brutal echo of the 1984 Big Brother ad 那个场景真是“1984老大哥”广告的残醅再现,
that you half expected (and hoped?) that an athletic woman would suddenly come running down the aisle 你甚至会预计(或希望)一个女运动员会突然从过道跑出来,
and vaporize the screenshot with a well-thrown hammer. 扔出锤子正中目标,让那画面消失掉。
But it was all for real, and Gates, unaware of the jeering, began speaking on the satellite link from Microsoft headquarters. 但那的确不是广告,对现场的嘲讽毫不知情的盖茨在位于西雅图的微软总部开始连线讲话。
"Some of the most exciting work that I've done in my career has been the work that I've done with Steve on the Macintosh," “在我的职业生涯中做过的最令人兴奋的一些工作,就是跟史蒂夫在麦金塔上的合作。”
he intoned in his high-pitched singsong. 他那尖细而单调的声音吟诵着。
As he went on to tout the new version of Microsoft Office that was being made for the Macintosh, 当他接下去开始兜售为麦金塔开发的新版微软Office软件时,
the audience quieted down and then slowly seemed to accept the new world order. 观众安静下来,之后似乎开始慢慢地接受了这个新的世界秩序。
Gates even was able to rouse some applause when he said that the new Mac versions of Word and Excel 盖茨甚至还得到了一些掌声,当他说到新的Mac版Word和Excel
would be "in many ways more advanced than what we've done on the Windows platform." “在很多方面会比我们给Windows平台开发的版本更先进”时。