乔布斯传 第404期:微软契约(7)(在线收听

 Jobs realized that the image of Gates looming over him and the audience was a mistake. 乔布斯意识到盖茨的脸笼罩在他和观众们的头顶是个错误。

"I wanted him to come to Boston," Jobs later said. "That was my worst and stupidest staging event ever. “我本想让他来波士顿,”乔布斯后来说,“那是我有史以来最糟糕最愚蠢的舞台设计。
It was bad because it made me look small, and Apple look small, and as if everything was in Bill's hands." 说它糟糕是因为那让我看起来渺小,让苹果看起来渺小,而似乎一切都掌握在比尔的手中。”
Gates likewise was embarrassed when he saw the videotape of the event. 当盖茨看到此次活动的录像时,同样也觉得很尴尬。
"I didn't know that my face was going to be blown up to looming proportions," he said. “我并不知道我的脸在屏幕上会那么夸张。”他说。
Jobs tried to reassure the audience with an impromptu sermon. 乔布斯试图用一段即兴演讲来安抚观众。
"If we want to move forward and see Apple healthy again, we have to let go of a few things here," he told the audience. “如果我们想进步并看到苹果好起来,我们必须放弃一些东西,”他对听众说,
"We have to let go of this notion that for Apple to win Microsoft has to lose... “我们必须放弃这种如果微软赢苹果就必须输的观念...
I think if we want Microsoft Office on the Mac, we better treat the company that puts it out with a little bit of gratitude." 我想,如果我们想在Mac上使用微软Office,我们最好还是对开发它的公司表达一点儿谢意。”
The Microsoft announcement, along with Jobs's passionate reengagement with the company, provided a much-needed jolt for Apple. 微软的公告加上乔布斯的激情回归,给苹果打了一针强心剂。
By the end of the day, its stock had skyrocketed $6.56, or 33%, to close at $26.31, twice the price of the day Amelio resigned. 当天的交易日结束时,苹果股票飙升6.56美元--涨幅33%--收盘于26.31美元,是阿梅里奥辞职当天股价的两倍。
The one-day jump added $830 million to Apple's stock market capitalization. 这一天的暴涨给苹果的市值增加了8.3亿美元。
The company was back from the edge of the grave. 公司被从死亡线上拉了回来。