
 OCTAVOES.These embrace the whales of middling magnitude, among which at present may be numbered: 八开型(原注:本篇所指的鲸为什么不称为四开型是很明白的。包括那些体积中等的鲸,在这里可以列举出来的,有如下几种:

I., the Grampus; II., the Black Fish; III., the Narwhale; IV., the Thrasher; V., the Killer. (1)逆戟鲸;(2)黑鲸;(3)独角鲸;(4)海豚鲸;(5)长尾鲸。
Why this book of whales is not denominated the Quarto is very plain.  因为属于这一级的鲸,虽然比第一篇的那一级体积较小些,
Because, while the whales of this order, though smaller than those of the former order, nevertheless retain a proportionate likeness to them in figure, yet the bookbinder's Quarto volume in its dimensioned form does not preserve the shape of the Folio volume, but the Octavo volume does. 但在身材上,却仍具有跟前者相似的地方,而且装订作里那种缩小了形式的四开本,并没有保存着对开本的原来的样子,反之,八开本却有对开本的样子,因此,我采用八开型。
BOOK II. (Octavo), CHAPTER I. (Grampus). 第二篇(八开型) 第一章(逆戟鲸)...
Though this fish, whose loud sonorous breathing, or rather blowing, has furnished a proverb to landsmen, is so well known a denizen of the deep, yet is he not popularly classed among whales.  这种鲸,它的高大宏亮的呼吸声,或者不如说是吹气声,往往授陆上人以一种话柄,它是海上的有名公民,然而,一般仍不把它算做鲸。
But possessing all the grand distinctive features of the leviathan, most naturalists have recognised him for one.  不过,由于它具有大海兽的一切主要特点,因此,大多数的博物学家还是把它当做鲸类。
He is of moderate octavo size, varying from fifteen to twenty-five feet in length, and of corresponding dimensions round the waist.  它有适中的八开的身材,长自十五英尺至二十五英尺不等,腰围随身材长短而大小不一。
He swims in herds; he is never regularly hunted, though his oil is considerable in quantity, and pretty good for light.  它是成群出游的;它从来没有被正式猎捕过,虽然它有数量不少的油,并且很适于点灯之用。
By some fishermen his approach is regarded as premonitory of the advance of the great sperm whale. 根据一些捕鱼者的经验,认为这种鱼一出现,就是大抹香鲸前来的征兆。