
This month marks the celebration of Cuban independence won by patriots who wished for individual freedom and the right of self-determination. Sadly, both have been tragically snuffed out by a tired Communist regime, said President Donald Trump. Cuba remains under the repressive thumb of the Communist party even as a new president was recently instated, Miguel Diaz-Canel.

本月是古巴独立的纪念月。古巴独立是渴求个人自由和自主权的爱国人士争取来的。特朗普总统表示,不幸的是,无论是个人自由还是自主权都被某个疲软的共产主义政权所扼杀。古巴依然处于古巴共产党的压制下,即便新近上任的米格尔 迪亚斯 卡内尔(Miguel Diaz-Canel) 总统也没能改变这种情况。

According to the latest State Department human rights report, Cuban government officials, at the direction of their superiors, commit most of the human rights abuses and impunity for the perpetrators remains widespread.


Regardless, added the President, the brave people of Cuba continue to work—under continued oppression and extraordinarily difficult circumstances - to provide for their families and to restore human and civil rights.


The names of great Cuban leaders who fought for independence, such as Jose Marti and Antonio Maceo, echo through history alongside names like Washington and Jefferson, said President Trump. The legacy of these leaders continues to inspire and encourage all peoples to remain committed to the fight for democracy and the restoration of political, economic, and religious freedoms.

为独立而战的伟大古巴领导人有何塞 马蒂(Jose Marti)和安东尼奥 马赛奥(Antonio Maceo)。他们的壮举名垂青史,与美国的华盛顿总统和杰弗逊总统比肩,特朗普如是说道。这些领袖留下的财富依然激发并鼓舞着所有民族去追求民主,恢复政治、经济、宗教自由。

The resilience of the Cuban people and the contributions of the Cuban-American community demand our respect, the President noted. The United States recognizes the many contributions of literature, the arts, music, cuisine, and entrepreneurship that these communities have given to the world.


President Trumps extended his warmest wishes to the people of Cuba who yearn for true freedom, and to the Cuban-Americans who reside in the United States.


He said, We remember the Cuban patriots who lit a flame of freedom that will never be fully extinguished as long as men and women can dream of a better tomorrow. Let us recommit ourselves to a better, freer future for the Cuban people.

